Hawar news agency plan ANHA 6/2/2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 6/2/2024
2 June 2024   02:00

Women in Afrin and Al-Shahba cantons denounced the disciplinary punishments imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and stressed that they would continue their activities until the leader’s physical freedom was achieved, and they stressed: “The leader guided us to the paths of freedom.”

The people of Tirbespiyê denounced the ongoing attacks on the defense areas, and stressed their support and solidarity with the Guerrilla forces, which represent the will of all components of Kurdistan in the face of the ongoing genocidal attacks pursued by the Turkish occupation state.

The Social Welfare Center in Raqqa District seeks to integrate families returning from al-Hol camp into society, through a vocational and intellectual training program, and has so far been able to provide services to 149 women, and 16 others are undergoing a training course.

The Damascus government continues to seek to improve its image before the Syrians, and also to promote the international community through some security and military decisions, while the decisions of the eighth ministerial conference organized by the European Union in Brussels to support the future of Syria and the neighborhood did not meet the aspirations of the Lebanese.

The people of the city of Hasakah offer their condolences to the family of the martyr Agri Hasakah, in the central tent that will be set up in the Mufti neighborhood, at 10:00 (attached with photos and video).

The people of the city of Tel Hamis are organizing a march to denounce the attacks of the Turkish occupation army on the area, at 11:00 (video and photos attached).

The Democratic Islam Conference commemorates the martyr Ma’shouq al-Khaznawi, at his grave in the Qaddour Bey neighborhood in the city of Qamishlo, at 17.00.4. (Video and photos attached)

Electoral blocs and alliances continue their activities and hold public meetings to introduce their candidates (video and photos attached).