Hawar news agency plan ANHA 12-5-2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 12-5-2024
12 May 2024   02:00

The mothers and fathers of the martyrs from the town of Sherawa stressed their adherence to the struggle and resistance until the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan was achieved (photos and video attached).

The war between the Hamas movement and Israel affected the relations between Iran and the Damascus government, in light of the “neutrality” position that Damascus took towards it, and then Tehran’s suspicions about the involvement of Syrian security services in leaking information about the movements of its officers, while analysts believe that the Hamas movement was late in responding to calls and warnings. The United States agreed to accept the armistice agreement, which finally led to Israel carrying out its attack on Rafah (photos attached).

The Syrian writer and opponent figure, Ali Al-Amin Al-Suwayd, confirmed that the conditions in the areas controlled by groups loyal to the Turkish occupation are heading for the worse, and require the outbreak of a major revolution against them. He criticized the deals between the Turkish occupation and the Damascus government, and saw that Turkey is seeking through them, and under false pretexts, to control northern Syria. (pictures attached).

Raqqa canton farmers have begun picking summer fruits and marketing them, promising the season good luck in achieving self-sufficiency (photos and video attached).

In North and East Syria, precautionary measures are being taken to protect the agricultural season, and emergency committees have been formed in Jazira canton distributed in cities and towns, amid calls for a spirit of responsibility for protection (attached with photos and video).

The Women’s Council of the Democratic Union Party in Afrin and Al-Shahba canton will hold a meeting under the slogan, “By organizing women and society, we will achieve physical freedom for Leader Apo,” in Mitan Hall, at 09.00 (photos and video attached).

The people of the cities of Derik, Girkê Legê, Jal Agha, and Tal Kochar go out in a demonstration to denounce the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah, in the city of Derik, at 10:00 (photos and video attached).

The Democratic Islam Conference in North and East Syria is organizing its third conference under the slogan “Diligence and renewal are the gateways to the solution to Middle East issues,” at the Muhammad Sheikho Center for Culture and Art in the city of Qamishlo, at (photos and video attached.).

The Democratic Union Party in Tirbespiyê is organizing a meeting to discuss the latest political developments in the region at the Democratic Union Party Center at 10:00 (photos and video attached).

The Economy Authority in Raqqa Province opens the Tishreen reserve oven, after it has been equipped with all machines to start working, at 10:00 (Mohammed Khalil)

The Local Environmental Authority in Tabqa canton opens the 3rd flower exhibition, in the Central Tabqa Nursery, at 17:00 (photos and video attached).