Hawar news agency plan ANHA 11/2/2023

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 11/2/2023
1 November 2023   23:00

Male and female citizens in northern and eastern Syria expressed their support for the global campaign demanding the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan, and confirmed the escalation of their struggle until their demand is achieved and the leader is physically liberated. (Attached with photos and video).

Egyptian researcher Walaa Abu Steit indicated that the freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan would contribute to resolving the issues of the region, including the Kurdish and Palestinian issues, and she denounced international and Western complicity and silence regarding the practices, isolation and arrest he is being subjected to.

He responded to the call of his people and shouldered the responsibility of protecting the homeland after mercenary attacks on his areas. The martyr Abdulaziz Al-Othman wrote history with his deep faith in the homeland. Today, his father pledged to raise his children to remember him and his vision of life and the homeland. (Attached with photos and video).

IDPs by the attacks of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries wondered: How can the perpetrators of crimes talk about humanity? During their narration of Turkey 's crimes, they emphasized that its officials contradicted their reality. (Attached with photos and video).

Over the past decades, extremist armed groups have shown increasing interest from centers concerned with global public affairs, due to the danger these groups pose to countries and peoples. Rather, they have worked to demolish entire countries and spread chaos within them, and have contributed to influencing their regional surroundings and global affairs. What is the reason for their emergence? What is its impact on international peace and security?

The events of last October 7, which witnessed the Hamas movement launching an operation against Israel and the subsequent unprecedented retaliatory reaction by Israel, pulled the rug and stole attention from the Egyptian presidential election race scheduled to begin in less than a month.

It has been 106 years since the Balfour Declaration, in which British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour pledged to the Jews to form a “national homeland” for them in Palestine, which established the so-called Palestinian issue. Since then, the conflict has continued to this day. How was this promise reached? What are its results?

The Women’s Authority and the Media Department of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria are organizing a dialogue symposium under the slogan “The Media Situation and the Role of Women in Changing the Stereotype in Society,” in the Democratic Administration Building in the city of Tabqa, at 10:00 (photos and video attached)

The Democratic Society Movement in the Euphrates Region delivers a statement denouncing the Turkish occupation’s attacks on the region and the international silence regarding it, in front of its headquarters in the city of Kobani, at 12:00 (attached with video and photos).

The Women’s Authority in Qamishlo District opens a new center for early childhood development in Jal Agha district at 10:00 (photos and video attached)

The activities of the sit-in tent, which was erected by the Syrian Initiatives for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the Syrian lawyers to defend the leader, will continue on its third day in the cemetery area located in the eastern part of the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood at 14:00 (photos and video attached).

The activities of the seventh session of the Osman Sabri Literature Festival continue for the second day at the University of Rojava, at 16.00 (video and photos attached).