Hawar news agency plan ANHA 10-9-2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 10-9-2024
10 September 2024   02:00

Human rights activists and politicians confirmed that the thought that was able to achieve freedom, democracy and equality among all sects and components of North and East Syria is capable of achieving security for the entire world. Peace can only be achieved through the thought and philosophy of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and his physical freedom (attached with photos and video).

Sheikhs and dignitaries of Arab tribes confirmed that the Syrian-Syrian dialogue constitutes a solid foundation to confront any foreign interference, and contributes to the people reaching safety, and that the intransigence of the Damascus government in rejecting dialogue harms the interests of the Syrian people and the sovereignty of the country (attached with photos and video).

Member of the Preparatory Committee for the "Martyr Barjem" Festival, Mazkin Julaq, said: "The festival comes within the framework of reviving the will of women, and creating an artistic painting with the participation of all Syrian components with their folkloric costumes, language and authentic art" (attached with photos and video).

The Health Authority in al-Jazira Canton completed many health and medical projects during the first half of 2024, including the completion of 35 to 40% of the construction work of the maternity and children's hospital and caesarean section operations in the city of Qamishlo (attached with photos and video).

A researcher in international and regional affairs stated that the world is suffering from a real labor pains as a result of the crises that are sweeping it, and he saw that it will either turn into a "fierce war machine that threatens everyone, or submit to American and Israeli desires", and praised the model of coexistence between the peoples of North and East Syria and considered it the solution to establishing comprehensive peace for the region (attached with photos).

The Women's Council of the Future Syria Party in Manbij Canton is holding its second conference under the slogan "Our struggle is to guarantee the women's revolution and build a democratic Syria", in the Manbij Hall, at 09:30 (attached with photos and video).

The people of Tel Hamis in al-Jazira Canton are escorting the body of the martyr Ahmed Mohammed Ismail to his final resting place in the Martyrs' Shrine, at 11:00 (attached with photos and video).