Hawar news agency plan 11/9/2023

Hawar news agency plan 11/9/2023
8 November 2023   23:00

Japanese journalist Ikuko Katsumata, who conducted a press interview with Leader Abdullah Ocalan in 1991, said: “Mr. Ocalan is a good thinker, and his ideas will never be wasted. He is the key to the future.”

The joint activities platform of women's movements and organizations in northern and eastern Syria met to develop a unified program for the campaign that it will launch during the next few days on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. (Video and photos attached).

The Municipal Committee in Girê Spi canton launched a number of service projects in its districts and towns as part of moving forward with the implementation of projects that serve citizens, despite the attacks the region is exposed to. (Video and photos attached).

The city of Kobani and its villages are supplied with electrical energy for only 7 hours a day, as a result of the Turkish occupation state’s withholding of the water of the Euphrates River from Syrian lands. In turn, the District’s Electricity Directorate completed 9 electricity extraction projects during the 2023 plan. (Attached with video and photos).

Developments and data indicate that the escalation in Gaza between Hamas and the Israeli forces is heading towards turning into a long war of attrition, and this constitutes a favorable atmosphere for extremist organizations and mercenary groups to resume their activity, in addition to the possibility of this being reflected in the crises of the region and constitutes an incentive and motivation for the increase in tensions, especially between Iran-  United States of America

The Young Women's Union is organizing the Union's Martyr Estirvan Festival in its fourth session, under the slogan "Women's Life is Freedom", over the course of two days, in the Sheikh Maqsoud resistance camp in the city of Aleppo, at 10:00 (video and photos attached).

The Revolutionary Youth Movement in the city of Tabqa will hold a forum on the sociology of freedom, during which the issues of underage marriage, immigration, and drugs will be discussed, at the cultural center in the city of Tabqa at 10:00 (photos and video attached)

The Tirbe Sipi District Council is organizing a celebration for school children in the district in response to the Turkish occupation attacks on the Tirbe Sipi district at Majdal al-Shams School at 10:00 (photos and video attached)

The Culture and Arts Committee in Al-Arisha District is organizing an exhibition of plastic arts and reciting a collection of heritage poems, in front of the District Council at 10:00 (video and photos attached).

The Economic Authority in North and East Syria opens the Khabour bakery in the Tal Hajar neighborhood in the city of Hasakah, with an opening ceremony at 11:00 (video and photos attached).

In conjunction with the second anniversary of the martyrdom of the national figure Youssef Kallo, the Martyrs’ Families Council makes a statement in front of the statue of the martyr fighter “Youssef Kallo” at the roundabout at the western entrance to the city of Qamishlo, at 13:00, and in the same context, the people of the city of Qamishlo head to the shrine of the martyrs at 16:00. :00 To commemorate the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Uncle Youssef Kallo and his grandchildren, (attached with photos and video).

The Women's Office in the Syrian Democratic Council is organizing a workshop as part of the activities of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, in the Council's meeting room located in the eastern section of the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, at 12:00. (Video and photos attached).