YRJ sends petition against death sentences to 13 concerned organizations

The Women’s Media Union (YRJ) sent the petition of signatures it collected as part of the “No to Death” campaign to 13 organizations and press unions, Human Rights Watch, human rights activists and human rights defenders.

YRJ sends petition against death sentences to 13 concerned organizations
5 September 2024   06:10

On August 12, the Women’s Media Union (YRJ) launched the “No to Death” campaign to protest the death sentences issued by Iranian courts against two journalists and women’s rights activists, Sharifeh Mohammadi and Bakhshan Azizi.

The campaign lasted for 14 days, and on August 26, the Women's Media Union held a press conference in which it announced its results. The union revealed that it had collected 36,398 signatures from journalists, intellectuals, politicians, activists, members of civil and women's institutions, and human rights institutions in the North and East of Syria region, and in the four parts of Kurdistan and Arab countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and several European countries.

During the press conference, it was noted that the signatures were sent to institutions concerned with journalists and human rights.

According to the information ANHA's agency obtained from the administrative body of the Women's Media Union, the petition for signatures was sent to (the Committee to Protect Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists, Reporters Without Borders, Reuters, the Omani Journalists Syndicate, the Somali Journalists Syndicate, the Jordanian Journalists Syndicate, the Lebanese Journalists Syndicate, the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate, the Journalists Syndicate in Southern Kurdistan, the Metro Center in Southern Kurdistan, the MidPoint Organization, the International Federation of Arab Journalists, the International Human Rights Watch Organization, and a number of human rights activists and defenders).

T/ Satt.