Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan

The councils of the families of the martyrs in 11 cities and districts within Jazera Canton in the NE Syria denounced the attack on the martyrs’  shrine of the city of Lija in northern Kurdistan.

Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
Condemning attacks on martyrs shrines in northern Kurdistan
13 April 2024   13:25

 Condemning the attack on the shrine of the martyrs in the city of Lija in northern Kurdistan, statements were issued today by the Council of Martyrs’ Families in Jazera Canton separately, in “Hasaka, Al-Shaddadi, Tal Tamr, Tal Barak, Qamishlo, Amuda, Tirbespiyê, Çil Agha, and Girkê legê, Derik, Tal Hamis.”

The statements initially condemned the attack on the Martyrs' Shrine in the city of Lija in northern Kurdistan, and saw it as an expression of the supporters of the Justice and Development Party’ response in Turkey, and within the Turkish occupation army, to the party's loss in the municipal elections that Turkey witnessed last March 31.

The statememt confirmed that “the crimes committed by the Turkish army in the defense areas, as well as by its supporters in northern Kurdistan, stem from the signs of the retreat of the Turkish occupation army in front of the Kurdistanis, especially in front of the fighters of the HPG, as well as the beginning of the collapse of the Justice and Development Party in front of the will of the peoples in Turkey and northern Kurdistan.”

The Martyrs' Families Councils considered the attack on the shrine "a crime and a disgrace against humanity, and contrary to all customs and laws related to human rights, as well as all laws, and accountability must be made."

In their statements, the councils appealed to international human rights and humanitarian organizations to stop the crimes of the Turkish occupation state against the Kurdistan people, as well as against the Turkish people, and to prosecute Erdogan, calling on them not to pass the crime without punishment and accountability.
