Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds emphasize resistance and confrontation of Turkish attacks

The components of Manbij canton noted that the Turkish occupation state's escalation of its attacks against the North and East Syria came as a result of its failure to demolish the project of the people of the region of Democratic Autonomous Administration, and stressed steadfastness and resistance in one trench against the Turkish attacks.

Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds emphasize resistance and confrontation of Turkish attacks
4 January 2024   03:03

The components of the North and East Syria have a unified vision regarding the Turkish attacks on the region, as the Arabs, Turkmen, and Kurds in Manbij canton agreed, in an opinion poll, that the attacks are an attempt to undermine the DAA project.

Citizen Rabie Ezzedine, from the Arab component in Manbij canton, explained: “The attacks aim to destabilize the security and stability of the region and thwart the democratic nation project under which the components of the region are united, as it is a project that guarantees unity of ranks and the rights of all, so Turkey is targeting it.”

Ezzedine stressed that the Democratic Nation Project is a participatory project to guarantee the rights of all components in the region, and he said: “We will continue to struggle and resist. With the unity and cohesion of the people of the region, we will succeed in this project, and we will thwart all colonial plans, especially the plans of the Turkish state, and we will protect the gains of our martyrs.”

The vision of the Kurdish citizen Sawsan Khalil does not differ from the vision of Rabie Ezzedine, and she stressed that the goal of the attacks on the region is to demolish the project of DAA, after it achieved successes at all levels in North and East Syria.

Sawsan Khalil noted: “We, the people of this region, are stuck together, and we are united by a continuous unified struggle and resistance. We are all one side,” and stressed that continuing their struggle is their main choice.

The Turkmen citizen, Muhannad Muhammad, believed that the goal of the Turkish colonial attacks was to leave the region without an administrative, economic, and security system, so chaos and instability would prevail.

Muhammad stressed the existence of cohesion among the components of the region in the face of the Turkish attacks, and said: “The attacks will not undermine our resolve and will, and we will resist until the last breath.”
