28 parties and organizations lost the right to run in municipal elections

28 parties and organizations lost the right to run in municipal elections in North and East Syria, because they did not obtain a license to practice work within the region and review the Parties Affairs Committee.

28 parties and organizations lost the right to run in municipal elections
22 May 2024   04:10

According to the latest official statistics obtained by ANHA agency, 43 parties and political forces in North and East Syria are licensed by the Democratic Autonomous Administration, out of 71 parties; Only licensed parties have the right to run in municipal elections.

Before the municipal elections were held in North and East Syria, the Political Parties Affairs Committee in the Democratic Autonomous Administration gave the unlicensed political forces, movements, and parties in the region a period of licensing, starting from March 7 until April 1, to allow all parties the opportunity to participate in the region’s elections, after... Ratifying the Social Contract for Democratic Autonomous Administration on December 12, 2023.

On April 26, the Party Affairs Committee granted another deadline for unlicensed parties to obtain a license to practice political and organizational work, according to which the Autonomous Administration’s Political Parties Affairs Committee approved a request for a license (the Kurdish Progressive Democratic Party in Syria, the Reform Movement in Syria, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party in West Kurdistan).

Unlicensed political parties and forces in North and East Syria are not entitled to run and participate in the elections on party lists. Thus, the 28 unlicensed parties and organizations lost the right to run in the elections.

The 43 licensed political and social parties and forces that can participate are: (Kurdish Democratic Peace Party - Kurdistan Liberal Union Party, Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria, Kurdistan Communist Party - Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party - Democratic Union Party - Kurdish Democratic Left Party in Syria - Party Syriac Union - Kurdish Left Party in Syria - Kurdistan National Rally Party - Kongra Star - Kurdistan Renewal Movement - Syrian Democratic Rally Party - Kurdistan Green Party - Syrian Kurdish Democratic Accord Party - Unity Party (Yekiti) - Kurdistan Fraternity Party - Modernity and Democracy Party of Syria - The Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria (Party) - The Syria Salvation Front - The Democratic Struggle Party - The Syrian Tomorrow Movement - The Kurdish Roj Democratic Party in Syria - The Arab National Authority - The Assyrian Democratic Party - The Democratic Conservative Party - The Kurdistan Workers’ Union - The National Coordination Body - The Movement Change, the Future Syria Party - the Kurdistan Future Movement - the Syrian Democratic Party - the Kurdistan Conservative Party - the Syrian Reform Movement - the Kurdistan Democratic Party - West Kurdistan, the National Democratic Change and Development Party - the Syrian Construction and Development Party - the Revolutionary Left Movement in Syria - the Syrian Change and Renaissance Party -The Syrian National Alliance).

Based on the documents and our sources, the unlicensed parties and organizations are: (Youth Party for Construction and Change, the Syrian Communist Party, the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, the Kurdistan People’s Movement, the Kurdistan Azadi Party, the Parti Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria, headed by Abdo Habash, and the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria. Al-Parti, headed by Ahmed Al-Sino, the Kurdish Presence Party, the Kurdish Progressive Democratic Party in Syria, headed by Salah Darwish, the Khoibun Movement, the Kurdistan Democratic Construction Movement in Syria, the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the Kurdish Reform Movement in Syria, the Kurdistan Yekti Party in Syria, and the Kurdish Future Movement in Syria. The Kurdistan Democratic Unity Party, the Kurdish Equality Party in Syria, the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria, the Kurdish National Democratic Party in Syria, the Future Movement of Syrian Kurdistan, the Kurdistan Left Party in Syria, the Kurdish Democratic Left Party in Syria, the Kurdistan Vanguard Party, and the Democratic Forces. Kurdish Kurdistan, the Kurdish Youth Movement, the Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria, the Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria, and the Kurdistan People’s Party in Syria).

T/ Satt.