Tension between Turkish occupation mercenaries in Jarabulus countryside

The southern countryside of the occupied city of Jarabulus is witnessing tension between the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation due to disagreements over control of the Al-Hamran crossing.

Tension between Turkish occupation mercenaries in Jarabulus countryside
14 September 2023   15:42

According to the information obtained by ANHA's correspondent, the villages of the southern countryside of the city of Jarabulus occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries are witnessing great tension between the mercenaries of the so-called Levant Front and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, affiliated with the Turkish occupation.

The correspondent, quoting sources, confirmed that the area has been declared a military zone, where civilians are greatly afraid, especially with the mercenaries’ preparations to begin clashes.

The mercenaries of Jabhat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) are seeking to control the al-Hamran crossing in the vicinity of the village of Ghandoura in the Jarabulus countryside, seize its financial revenues, and expel the rest of the mercenaries from it.

T/ Satt.