Bedran Çiya Kurd assesses the rapprochement between Damascus-Ankara

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Bedran Çiya Kurd assesses the rapprochement between Damascus-Ankara
24 August 2022   20:55

Bedran Çiya Kurd predicted that there was an agreement between the Government of Damascus and the Turkish occupying state, saying: "This agreement is being done with the help and support of Russia and Iran", and pointed out that "the restoration of relations between the two parties will be within a more expanded framework at the expense of all Syrians", pointing to the crises experienced by those gathered in Tehran and Sochi.

Assessment of the Deputy co-chairmanship of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria AANES political and military developments in the region during a special dialogue with ANHA’s agency, in addition to the outputs of the Tehran and Sochi meetings, which resulted in a military escalation of Turkey's occupation against the region as well as the positions of the parties guaranteeing Turkey's three-year ceasefire agreement, The "amended Adana" Convention, which appeared to be on the agendas of both meetings.

The dialogue read as follows:

* How do you explain the escalation of Turkish attacks on the region and the expansion of its geographical scope following the Tehran and Sochi meetings and the Madrid summit?

The Turkish regime tried to take permission from many parties (NATO, Russia, Astana Group) to attack North and East Syria, but this was not done; Because any Turkish attack would harm the interests of these countries, especially Russia and Iran, it prevented Turkey from any ground attack, and in return allowed it to carry out drone attacks.

This is how we assess it. These countries reject any military ground attack, but at the same time they do not mind Turkish drone attacks, and disregard their attacks. That is, their attacks continue in other ways by targeting the safe inhabitants of the area, female leaders in the Women's Protection Units YPJ and Syrian Democratic Forces SDF commanders. Turkey has developed its attacks according to this perspective.

Indeed, we are assessing that these barbaric attacks, targeting civilians, women and children, are a dangerous military operation and cause the population to displace from the region.

We have doubts about a lot of things. Russia and the International Coalition have no position on these attacks, which are escalating day after day, and this proves our doubts. Neither Russia nor the United States-led International Coalition are carrying out their responsibilities, the Turkish regime benefiting from their weak positions and escalating its attacks against the region, which further complicates and deepens the crisis.

ISIS/Daesh mercenaries benefit from these attacks and reorganize themselves and extend their threat to all parties who turn a blind eye to these attacks, which constitute war crimes and contravene international norms, covenants, treaties and laws, we say these attacks affect everyone, everyone will receive damage from them. in order to do so, it would require those States, in particular the sponsors of the ceasefire with the Turkish state (Russia and America), to fulfil their commitments and protect the Convention's provisions.

* In conjunction with the field escalation, there is recent talk of reconciliation between the Government of Damascus and the Turkish occupying state. How do you explain this Turkish turn towards Damascus?

Recent discussions in Tehran and Sochi between Russia, Turkey and Iran; Some of the three parties were found to have agreed to severe economic crises, thus placing their interests above all consideration and having to agree to mitigate their economic crises. These agreements have evolved at the expense of the Syrian people.

On the one hand, the Turkish regime wants to converge with and agree with Damascus Government, in clear evidence of the depth of its internal crisis, it wants to get rid of its political and economic crises, so it does not attach any importance to the so-called "Syrian Opposition", nor to the Syrian refugee people in Turkey, nor to the Syrian crisis. These topics are not as important to it as its internal crisis and the protection of its authority are concerned, especially as elections approach. It is therefore prepared to give up anything and sacrifice it to protect its authority, so today we see his approach to Damascus and its call for the so-called Syrian Opposition groups to comply with the Syrian regime and to support Damascus politically. Turkey believes that it is urgent that such agreements develop.

Syria has entered a new phase, we see as important and we attach importance, the situation in Syria will change in many ways, there will be an impact on the status of the occupied areas, as well as the AANES’ areas that will become a target.

The Turkish regime in crisis has not got what it wants so it wants to agree with Damascus Government to move against our regions. It wants to get it in other ways, leaving its previous goals that are no longer important to it, the most important is to get rid of Syrian refugees, that are complicated issue for it and how to return them to Syria.

Another important topic is how to weaken AANES and the SDF, so today we see him turning to Damascus Government to reach these goals.

Damascus Government should know that it has problems with the Syrian people. ,its problems with Syrians must be resolved through dialogue to reach political agreements, these problems cannot be solved by agreement with an anti-Syrian country like Turkey. If Damascus Government develops these policies and agrees with a fascist regime like Turkey against part of its people, in our view, this policy will not be placed in the service of stability and political solution within Syria, nor will it be in the service of Syria's national solution.

It turns out that the regime in Damascus is also bankrupt, has no policy and vision for a political solution inside Syria, is thinking about how to bring Syria back to pre-2011, and still sticks to its previous mindset, so an agreement with a fascist regime would be against Syrians and this is a destructive policy.

This policy will be rejected by Syrians. The Syrian regime should not think that the Syrian problems will be solved with reconciliation. The areas covered by these solutions are unsurmountable and have not solved their problems. The regime should have thought about how to develop solutions and develop debate and dialogue with Syrians to reach a political solution for Syria's future.

It is impossible to apply what has happened in our regions, that their situation is different, the situation on the ground is different. We have a strategic and political vision and project, we have a political, administrative, security and military weight, we have economic potential in the geography that is managed by AANES, there must be political agreement, we cannot accept the regime and its institutions entering our regions.

* At a time when the Turkish occupying state is talking about reconciliation with Damascus Government, it is conducting ground and air attacks on the latter's forces stationed in the border of North and East Syria. What are your evaluating of this field escalation, which coincides with political flexibility towards Damascus Government?

In recent years Turkey has experienced deep and real crises and problems with countries and the world, a strategy of zero problems reflected in them and lived with everyone. Today, the Turkish regime wants to develop the same policy as a result of its internal crises, wants to improve its relations with everyone so that it can escape this crisis and prolong its life in power, is afraid to fail in the upcoming elections.

The Turkish state is developing this policy in this region to improve its relations with Damascus, what needs to be done? On what basis will these relationships be developed and improved? in contrast, there are demands on both sides. Damascus calls on Turkey to discontinue support for the so-called opposition groups, Muslim brotherhood and groups fighting against the regime and to hand it over to it. Turkey's demands are to oppose our region and turn Damascus policy into a hostile policy against our region. Debates continue, it is understood that there will be agreement in this framework.

If there is such an agreement, it will be against all Syrians, the Syrian people will be harmed, if the regime agrees with Turkey, the Syrians will know that it is an agreement with those who destroyed, killed and robbed Syrians, pushed thousands of jihadists into Syria, and it becomes a cause of ruin and destruction of Syrian areas.

An important part of Syria is occupied by Turkey, from Idlib to Ras al-Ain, if this occupation is not seen by Damascus, and it has concluded relations and agreements with a fascist regime such as the Turkish regime against its people, which in our conviction means that Damascus Government agrees with the existence of the occupation in Syria and gives it legitimacy.

The 1998 Adana Agreement, in which Syria left the Sanjak of Alexandretta, shows that there is a new agreement and new annihilations. We do not rule out that the occupied Syrian areas remain dependent on Turkey, but we say that everyone should know that this issue is a strategy for us, and one that cannot be abandoned.

The Turkish state is an occupying state. Many crimes have been committed against us and against the Syrian people. They must be held accountable in international courts for their war crimes mercenary groups, so this issue is the issue of all Syrians, and all Syrians have to have attitudes and visions, our hands are extended to everyone and our doors are open to all Syrians at home and abroad to stand firm against Turkish policies and Turkey's crimes in the occupied areas, and together we can build a democratic Syria.

We can develop a common policy and block the way for ambushes and traps that they are trying to inflict on Syria. It is time for Syrians to unite with one stance against the malicious schemes that are being developed against them.

* Damascus Government did not say a word, even though the Turkish occupying state kills its soldiers. What, in your opinion, caused this silence and what Russian role in that?

The regime in Damascus has not developed its position against Turkey's violations and occupation of Syrian territory. There has been no serious policy and endeavours to act against the occupation on the ground either militarily or within the legitimate right of defence or within the framework of the political and human rights aspect, although its soldiers have been killed dozens of times.

We have taken some steps to be able to work together against the occupation and foreign attacks of the Turkish occupation with a national structure and in order to protect the entire Syrian territory the Syrian Arab Republic ", determined that there would be a position of various Syrian parties against Turkish occupation, but how its position against the occupation will evolve, we are still following their steps, but we hope that the Damascus Government will not turn a blind eye to Turkish attacks and violations.

Government of Damascus should not abandon plans and agreements to protect the interests of certain countries such as the Astana Group, instead it should begin its relations with all Syrian parties to respond to the occupation attacks forcefully and protect Syria on the ground and people.

* 33 political parties and forces in North and East Syria demanded on 22 August that the Government of Damascus not restore relations with Ankara at the expense of the Syrian people, if Damascus does not heed your demands as to where will things go between you and Damascus?

AANES’ areas, their movements and their political forces have made this an important step. The people of the region and their parties reject Turkish politics, so a political struggle will evolve and we see the right to appeal to political parties.

Political parties, civil institutions and various components of their cultures must fight against policies that evolve at their expense and become victims of these policies. There will be an expanding struggle in the future inside and outside Syria, among all components of Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Alawites and Druze. The SDC also has a scheme and will expand further in the future.

This project, part of which the SDC is developing, will be an important response against the policies that make Syrians a victim. This project has its doors and arms open to all Syrians. Anyone who feels that he has become a victim of these dirty policies can move towards this project, which is a national front and it can fight within it and develop it to block these malicious policies and schemes.

* The "Modified Adana" is being talked about. There are field indications that the agreement has even partially entered into force. How will this bounce back to the North and East of Syria and Syria in general?

The Adana Agreement of 1998 between Ankara and Damascus, under the auspices of Egypt and Iran, was then against the existence and struggle of the Kurdish people. This agreement was not accepted. It deepened problems with Damascus, and our people viewed it as an attack on it by the Government of Damascus.

This agreement did not implement in favor of the Syrian people and the peoples of the region. On the contrary, it had catastrophic consequences. We want to ask here. What benefits did this agreement bring to Syria and the Government of Damascus? However, it handed over some persons to the Turkish state and showed its ugly black face.

Today they want to revive this agreement with a new version and make some changes to it. The development of this agreement is being done with the help and support of Russia and Iran and the restoration of relations between Damascus and Ankara will be within a more expanded framework, at the outset we said it is against the Kurdish people, but this time it will be at the expense of all Syrians.

Turkey wants to undermine the Kurds and AANES, Damascus wants to undermine the groups known as the opposition and supported by Turkey, in this agreement they will trade against both parties. This hostile policy will deepen the Syrian crisis and there will be no solution and so no problem will be solved.

It's impossible to go back to what it used to be. If Damascus thinks about it, these are illusions and dreams. Syria will never return, Syria has changed its society, economy, military and system. The regime must think of the forces in Syria, what Syrian areas have been occupied. ", how can Syria get rid of the occupation and the forces in it, Therefore, if there is no Syrian agreement between the Syrians themselves, it is impossible to have another solution.

Immeasurable suffering brought to Syria such as, difficult living conditions of the population those who are fed up with, and the economic blockade, how there will be a solution if these matters are not addressed. The solution is linked to a political consensus among all Syrians, with the rights of all being protected.

Damascus must think that the country is housing many nationalities and cultures. It needs a new constitution to run the country again by establishing a new system with everyone as its partner. It is impossible to sustain the country's governance in this form.

11 years of the crisis proved that there is no victor, the countries with agendas and interests that prevailed inside Syria, ISIS/Daesh and mercenary groups won, so Damascus has to review its policies and mentality and develop a new policy in a new phase and create solutions.

* In the face of all this escalation, the International Coalition and, in particular, the United States is still content with some condemning statements without mentioning the name of the Turkish occupying state, not to disturb Turkey's rapprochement and alliance with Damascus, Tehran and Moscow, the traditional adversaries of the United States of America in the region.

The position of the International Coalition led by America, although it is against any Turkish military attacks against our regions, is insufficient, if the coalition and Russia decide to stand firm against the Turkish attacks, they will not be able to develop any attack. This is clear, so today the space is open to them.

It turns out that the agreements that are developing between Russia, Iran, Turkey and Syria do not constitute a satisfaction for the coalition countries. Many times, they have stated their positions. They do not see such agreements as good for them, especially since Turkey is a partner in NATO.

In the future, we could see an escalation of wars, should the acute positions between Iran and America develop, between Israel and Iran, Russia and America inside Syria.

Everyone is on the Syrian scene and any problem that emerges that will develop will pose great risks to Syria, that they will settle their accounts on Syrian territory. We are not with any of these things if they develop and we will not accept them. We do not want our country to become a field of their contradictions.

Therefore, our position is clear for the sustainability of stability and solution and we are fighting and working accordingly. Those countries that exist should not work for solutions. When they do not need to be in Syria, Syrians must therefore see this dangerous phase.

Our region is at the height of its power, with acquisitions, with a lot of important and powerful papers, can play an important role for a political solution, and is ready to play this role with the intention of a democratic solution for the whole of Syria.

We believe that this is a stage of struggle that we will have at all levels, and we believe that this struggle will ensure a great victory for the whole of Syria. We are working to be a hope for all Syrians after all these years of pain and difficulties they have faced.

Today, there is no alternative to AANES and the Syrian Democratic Council, neither the current system can provide solutions, nor the groups that call themselves opposition show that they have no vision and legitimate solution, the policy of reconciliation and settlements and the return to pre-2011 as if nothing was impossible, there is a new situation and we are a force to build a bright new future for Syrians.