Anmar Al-Droubi: Erdogan is the most dangerous politician in the Middle East

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Anmar Al-Droubi: Erdogan is the most dangerous politician in the Middle East
27 December 2022   22:09

The writer, political researcher and doctor of political sciences, Anmar Nizar Al-Droubi, described the President of the Turkish occupation state, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as the most dangerous politician in the Middle East, and presented a set of recommendations to confront the growing threat of ISIS mercenaries in the region.

Al-Droubi spoke at length about the ideological nature of ISIS mercenaries and the jihadist organizations that preceded it, and highlighted the Turkish support for extremist groups, starting with the Brotherhood and ending with Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS mercenaries.

He also praised the resistance of the Syrian Democratic Forces, and suggested, in an interview with ANHA’s agency, a set of recommendations for the final defeat of ISIS mercenaries and jihadist organizations.

The following is the text of the interview:

* How dangerous is ISIS to the region and the world as a whole?

The ideological structure of the Islamic State (ISIS):

Before we talk about the extent of the danger of the terrorist organization ISIS, we must address the ideological structure of the organization, and in our analysis of the Islamic State (ISIS) we note that it may not be a temporary phenomenon, which will disappear with the disappearance of its causes, but rather it will remain with us; Because it expresses an ideological current called (the Caliphate Movement). What is meant is the existence of groups, movements, and organizations that take the issue of the caliphate as an ideological dimension on which they base themselves, given that the caliphate is an issue that is static in the imagination of Islamists and cannot change, despite the fact that there are many Islamic organizations, movements, and parties that have intellectually and practically abandoned the idea of the caliphate in its historical and religious meanings.

* How do you evaluate the resistance of the Syrian Democratic Forces against ISIS?

Undoubtedly, the Syrian Democratic Forces, and the resistance they offered against the terrorist organization ISIS, was and still is a great event embodied by the revolutionary factions in Kobani represented by the Syrian woman and man, and even the sheikh who expressed his rejection of this criminal organization, as it is a great resistance that does not differ from the movements of liberation in the world.

Why does the Turkish occupation state support ISIS mercenaries?

The so-called Sultan of the Muslim Brotherhood (Erdogan) is the most dangerous political (devil) in the Middle East, but with the mantle of religiosity, especially since he has surpassed Machiavelli in political decadence, and the great misfortune is that Erdogan justifies these actions from a religious point of view.

* Recently, the Turkish occupation state launched a massive attack on NE Syria, targeting the infrastructure and detention centers of ISIS mercenaries, the camps that house their families, and the forces that protect the camps. What do you think is the goal of that?

First of all, after assuming power in Turkey in 2002 AD, the Justice and Development Party conducted a comprehensive review of Turkish foreign policy, which is based on benefiting from Turkey's position, expansion and the search for regional influence in the Arab region. And just as Iran had its goals and ambitions in the Arab world, Turkey also has foundations on which it can rely to perpetuate its regional supremacy and try to enhance this superiority in the Arab region, and following the political changes witnessed by the Arab regional system, Turkey sought the need to deal with these changes according to two ideologies, the first: ideology Islam and its support for the Muslim Brotherhood in the region, and the second: the nationalist ideology, which is represented in its support for Turkish nationalism, but the basis of Turkish politics is that it does not deviate from the framework of competition with Iran, the other regional power in the region.

* In your opinion, what is required to eliminate the threat of ISIS, which has begun to grow recently?

The terrorist issue of ISIS is of importance that goes beyond its purpose as a media item. Because our topic as a whole interacts with the reality that the world is experiencing, specifically our nation and our homelands, and it is still interacting in the process of this transformation, which requires the emergence of a state that is qualified to lead society and walk in it to safety and stability in the midst of a world in which the winds of change blow, in which the waves of conflict collide, and in which the phenomenon of violence spreads. very terrorist.

The topic covered needs further research by researchers. To find out the real reasons that led to the current situation experienced by global societies; Because of the phenomenon of terrorist violence, this phenomenon is the responsibility of international and regional parties, as well as the state and its institutions, in addition to political parties and civil society organizations. Accordingly, I present a set of recommendations:

1- There is a need for more studies that deal with the issue of separating religious thought as an expression of human judgments that are subject to rebuttal, modification, and the principles of the Islamic religion as sacred constants for Muslims. As well as the need to separate between the ideological reference that has a fixed nature and the political practice that is governed by a changing context.

- The intellectual premises of political Islam, in general, and ISIS in particular, and its negative attitudes towards the state, power, and society, proved inconsistent with the intellectual principles and rules that represent the theoretical pillars of Islamic law. ISIS’s takfiri discourse turned political competition into an existential religious battle. Their victory in it represents a victory for Islam from their perspective. And their loss represents their defeat in front of their opponents from the enemies of Islam, so the confusion between these ideas and the principles of the Islamic religion must be dismantled, in the sense that a distinction should be made between Islam as a religion and Islam as a behavior and method embodied by ISIS.

3- Addressing the problem of ISIS cannot be done by relying on traditional alternatives that do not differ in their essence from the project of political Islam itself, but rather through a critical reading of ISIS texts and positions through modern scientific methods in contrast to the traditional arguments and references on which ISIS relies. On the other hand, civil currents must interact with the masses and present an alternative civil culture.

4- Since the media has become one of the most powerful modern communication tools that help the audience to live with the times and interact with it, and the media has an important role in explaining issues and presenting them to the public opinion in order to prepare it in the media, especially towards issues related to national security, in addition to what Get on the world stage. Therefore, the media must deal professionally and transparently with terrorist practices.

5- Extremist groups, most notably ISIS, target youth on an emotional level. to recruit them. As it exploits their ignorance in religion, as well as the suffering of some of them on the issue of identity, sect, and nationalism, in addition to their feeling of anger at injustice, ISIS also exploits schools, universities, mosques, and religious schools to spread their message, and from here the political regimes in the Arab countries must provide a political and intellectual environment that accommodates the absent youth who They were influenced by the ideas of ISIS

6- As a complement to the previous paragraph, the role of the family should be activated. To carry out its duty through parents educating their children about the danger of violence and extremism on society and their future in particular, while giving importance to monitoring their behavior and relationships with others and dialogue with them in the event that extremist ideas appear to them.

7- The Internet has provided terrorists and extremists with many diverse platforms to spread the culture of violence, promote their propaganda, and attract individuals to fight for their cause. Taking advantage of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to spread its messages, and it also used other forms of online communication channels to spread its propaganda, such as the (Dabiq) magazine. As a result; There is a need for the state to adopt a media strategy based on organizing media and awareness campaigns to spread a culture of tolerance and coexistence with others, with the need to monitor religious discourse in the media.

T/  Satt.