Idlib Revolutionaries Brigade Commander: Idlib is a hotbed for terrorism

The Commander of the Idlib Revolutionaries Brigade, Iskandar Alaa, said that the city has become a hotbed for terrorism, while he does not see a future for it "as long as Turkey colonizes and occupies the Syrian lands and divides them according to its interests and agendas."

Idlib Revolutionaries Brigade Commander: Idlib is a hotbed for terrorism
17 May 2021   22:39

Mystery still surrounds the fate of the Syrian city of Idlib which has forces and mercenary groups that turned it into their last stronghold in Syria.

While the mercenaries of "Jabhet Al-Nusra" retained control over the city, turning it into a hotbed for extremists who were once part of Al-Qaeda, with a Turkish presence inside the city and a Russian and Iranian presence on its borders.

In addition, hundreds of people from Idlib city and its countryside are organizing themselves under the banner of the "Idlib Revolutionaries Brigade," which in turn falls under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Iskandar Alaa added, "Idlib has become a hotbed for terrorism, and there are several terrorist factions present in the region, including Jabhet Al-Nusra, ISIS mercenaries and Jund al-Aqsa, and the Turkish state sponsors all of their interests and uses them in the region to achieve its goals."

Alaa talked about differences that appeared in the recent period between the mercenary groups and the Turkish occupation in Idlib, pointing out that the people are victims of both sides.

Iskandar Alaa added, "The hard-core groups are trying to escalate against the Turks to facilitate their affairs and interests."

In an indication to the Turkish occupation's use of the Idlib file against the Autonomous Administration, Iskandar said that "the Turkish state joined the Syrian regime and Russia in the previous period to eliminate the democratic nation project, the successful example in the areas of north and east Syria."

Iskandar Alaa is not optimistic about the future of Idlib, as he says that "there is no future for Idlib as long as Turkey colonizes in the Syrian territories, occupies it and divides it according to its interests and agendas."

Alaa asserts that "there is no solution in Idlib but to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists."

Iskandar Alaa, concluded by sending a message to the people in Idlib, saying, "We are the Idlib revolutionaries people, and you are our people. We promise you to liberate all of Idlib from the terrorist groups and the Turkish occupation."
