Kongra Star Coordination held Turkey responsible for any danger threats Ocalan’s health

Kongra Star Coordination held the Turkish authorities responsible for any threat to the health and safety of the leader Ocalan, and called on all international bodies concerned with prisoners of conscience to move responsibly and put pressure on the Turkish government to reveal the status of the leader.

Kongra Star Coordination held Turkey responsible for any danger threats Ocalan’s health
27 February 2020   15:58

This came through a statement issued by the Coordination of Kongra Star on the background of news of the outbreak of fire on Imrali Island where the leader Abdullah Ocalan is held. The statement included:

"In conjunction with passing twenty-one years since the international conspiracy that targeted the international leader Abdullah Ocalan in February 1999, the Turkish state continues its inhuman policies towards the peoples of the region in the person of the leader Ocalan.

As it is known to the public opinion, a severe isolation is imposed on the leader, as he has been prevented from meeting his lawyers and family since 2011, and now the features of a new conspiracy are looming by spreading news through the Turkish media, which is the outbreak of fires in the forests of Imrali Island where the leader is held, claiming that the rescue and firefighting teams could not reach the island on the pretext of the climatic conditions.

Accordingly, we hold the Turkish authorities responsible for any threat to the health and safety of the leader, and we also call on all international bodies concerned with the affairs of prisoners of conscience to act with full responsibility and put pressure on the Turkish government to reveal the status of the leader. In the event of their failure to fulfill their humanitarian and juristic duty, this will indicate their complicity and participation with the Turkish fascist government in the new conspiracy that is being planned against the peoples of the region in the person of the leader.

We, as Kongra Star and all components of the region, and from our historic responsibility towards the leader of the democratic nation project based on the principle of women's freedom and the peoples' fraternity, we appeal to all the peoples of the region, especially women to rise up and escalate the struggle until the freedom of the leader is achieved."