Syrian revolutionary youth demand uncovering Ocalan's health

The Movement of the  Syrian Revolutionary Youth in Manbij has demanded revealing the health of the leader, Abdullah Ocalan after news of a fire on the island of Emrali, where Ocalan is being held.

Syrian revolutionary youth demand uncovering Ocalan's health
27 February 2020   15:53

The Movement of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth issued a statement to the public, where it was read  with the participation of  members of the  Movement of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth in Manbij. It was read by the joint chairman of the Youth and Sports Committee, Mohsen Jassim, in which he said:

On behalf of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth in Manbij and its countryside

We have closely watched a fire on the Island of Emrali, and in the spirit of revolutionary, we call on the international community, human rights organizations and humanitarian organizations to assume their legal and humanitarian responsibility to maintain the health and safety of the leader Abdullah Ocalan on the Island of Emrali. We call on the democratic peoples and all the revolutionary movements and humanitarian institutions around the world to rise up against the fascist Turkish government and to carry out their humanitarian duty and organize all kinds of events to form a protection ring around the leader of humanity, Abdullah Ocalan and we call for pressuring on the fascist Turkish government to allow the leader's lawyer to visit him and to check on his health and the health of his fellow detainees.

We call for an international investigation into the causes of this fire for fear that it may be fabricated and hold the Turkish government and the international community fully responsible in the event of any danger to the life of our leader and his fellow detainees."

The statement concluded by slogans that are demanding Ocalan's freedom.