Nasser Yagaz: Organized struggle of people will foil plot

Nasser Yagaz: "The only way to defeat the international conspiracy is to achieve national unity and escalate the organized struggle, also to seek for the Kurdish unity and escalation the struggle.

Nasser Yagaz: Organized struggle of people will foil plot
11 February 2020   05:17

The international conspiracy that targeted the leader Abdullah Ocalan on February 15, 1999 leaving behind 21 years of lonely private solitary, and subjected to an intensive isolation measures.

Representative of the South Kurdistan Democratic People's Party, Nasser Yagas said: "The only way to reach a solution to the conspiracy is to achieve national unity and to escalate the organized struggle of the peoples.

In 2019, Yagas participated in the hunger strike event, which was led by MP of the  HDP and co-chair of the Democratic Society Conference Leyla Guven, Yaga said: "The event confirmed that the organized struggle would force the Turkish state and the occupying powers to retreat.

In an interview with Hawar news agency (ANHA), Yagaz referred to the attacks on Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî on October 9, 2019, as well as the Attacks of the Turkish State against Mexmûr and Şengal, and said: These attacks are an extension of the international conspiracy.

The full text of our agency's meeting with Nasser Yagaz:

I condemn the international conspiracy that targeted leader Abdullah Ocalan, and I commemorate all the martyrs of the event of "You will not be able to block our sun" and all the martyrs of the struggle for freedom.

Today the Kurdish people continue to struggle in all fields, the Kurdish people have never accepted the international conspiracy, and are fighting various forms of struggle against it.

In the face of the heightened isolation imposed in Imrali as one of the implementing aspects of the international conspiracy, the hunger strike began in 2019 and thousands of people participated, and you too participated in this event, in your opinion, what role did the event of the hunger strike play at that time? In terms of foiling the plot and countering the attacks that were being launched at that time?

Before the hunger strike event, there was a long legacy of struggle in for achieving pf the freedom, and we, in turn, were inspired by the determination and confidence of this legacy, and we began with that event, and as we continued to this resistance we were drawn from the legacy of the struggle and the dedication of our leader.

The event of the hunger strike was an anti-international stance, because the isolation imposed on the leader Ocalan was a conspiracy that must be escalated and continued the struggle to defeat it. The event of the hunger strike was first launched by Leyal Guven and later extended to thousands of participants, I think we have achieved important gains and objectives, we must not forget that isolation was imposed on the leader as one of the methods of continuing and implementing the international conspiracy.

We must know very well that the goal of the Turkish state and the international conspiracy forces was not only the person of leader Ocalan, but the extermination of the Kurdish people through the leader, and the elimination of the struggle for freedom once and for all, this conspiracy continues to this day and in various forms, for example: attacks targeting Serêkaniyê and Tel-Abyed. On October 9, 2019, it was implemented as part of this conspiracy, and the aim is to eliminate all gains, the Freedom Movement as well as many intellectuals confirmed this on many occasions, but the attacks confirmed this again and clearly.

When you started the hunger strike, what role did you expect to play in order to foil and defeat the international conspiracy?

Leyla Guven was like a scream for us, and we responded to this scream, an event that started with a single person that spanned thousands of people and achieved its result, through that event we were a continuation of "you can't block our sun", regardless of the results, most of our attention was focused on how to continue to develop our organized struggle, we later saw that this organized struggle had been achieved, and that it would reveal the true face of the Turkish state, and the European states, and all the participants in the conspiracy, the Kurdish people have once again proved that they are defending their existence and their reality.

The "You Can't Block Our Sun" event succeeded in blocking the conspirators' access to the desired result, the result being that they had to allow the commander to be visited five times.

In your opinion, what should be done from now on, because, as you know, attacks continue at various levels?

In Rojava there is a model of administration based on the democratic confederation system, the people here are working to establish and develop a participatory system, where this system must be supported and expanded, and resistance must be escalated on this basis, and there are many models of resistance and organized struggle.

The question of unity of the Kurdish people has recently emerged, and this issue has become a concern for the Kurdish people, what role can the unity of the Kurdish people play in countering the international conspiracy?

Leader Ocalan is not only the leader of north Kurdistan, or south Kurdistan, or any other part of Kurdistan, leader Ocalan is the leader of all Kurdish people. In this regard, the enemy seeks to mix concepts and divide the Kurdish people, and national unity must be achieved in order to face these activities.

What are the tasks and responsibilities of the Kurdish parties in this matter?

There are very important responsibilities, the HDP recently sent a party delegation to south Kurdistan, and met there intellectuals and others, everyone should participate in these endeavors and assume their responsibilities, we are not saying that everyone should stick to our ideological approach, but they must take a correct stance on the issue of national unity, we must defend the culture, identity and gains of the Kurdish people, leader Ocalan says: He who does not have a mother tongue, cannot speak of his existence, who do not work to defend their identity and culture, also they cannot defend their existence.

The aim is all Kurdish people, for example, in the places that are being targeted there are other parties, and the PKK is a Kurdish party, and those who talk about national unity must confirm participation in this struggle, the Government of Southern Kurdistan can escalate the struggle for Şengal, since The Iraqi government has officially recognized Şengal Resistance Units, but they are being attacked by The Kurds.

Therefore, the struggle against the conspiracy, and the defense of leader Ocalan, is a defense of identity, culture and land, and the existence of the Kurdish people, this is very clear, so achieving national unity will contribute to the complete failure of the conspiracy, as will the attacks targeting Rojava, and therefore the responsibility now It is to escalate, organize and expand our struggle under the slogan "You will not be able to occupy our homeland.