UN committee investigating Turkey's transfer of Syrian mercenaries to Libya

UN sources said on Sunday, that 3,000 Syrian mercenaries have been deployed in ar the government of Fayez al-Sarraj areas, western Libya.

UN committee investigating Turkey's transfer of Syrian mercenaries to Libya
9 February 2020   16:27
 News desk

The sources explained that there is information indicating that a Turkish military aircraft transported Syrian mercenaries from Gaziantep (on the Syrian-Turkish border) to Istanbul and then to Libya.

It said the experts team of the sanctions committee of the Security Council  is investigating charges against Turkey of transferring foreign mercenaries from Syria to Libya.

 Un sources estimate are less than that of the Syrian Observatory for Human Right estimates that talks about the total number of Syrian mercenaries in Libya is 4,700.

On January 19, French President, Emmanuel Macron, at the Summit on Libya in Berlin, called for a "halt" to sending pro-Turkish Syrian mercenaries to Libya in support of the Tripoli government.

Despite this claim, Syrian mercenaries continued to flow into areas under the control of the Sarraj Government.

Macron accused Erdogan of not respecting his words on ending the foreign interference in the Libyan crisis.

Turkey is using The Maitiqa Airport, the only airport operating in the Libyan capital, to transport mercenaries on unregistered flights.

Libya's "Africaya" airline and Al-Wings, owned by the Turkish-based Libyan militant, Abdelhakim Belhadj, are transporting mercenaries,  according to French RFI.