Youth denounced in night march international plot against Ocalan

Hundreds of PYD youth went out at night in a torch march to denounce the international plot against the leader Abdullah Ocalan in Kobane Canton

Youth denounced in night march international plot against Ocalan
Youth denounced in night march international plot against Ocalan
Youth denounced in night march international plot against Ocalan
Youth denounced in night march international plot against Ocalan
9 February 2020   15:51

The Youth Council of the Democratic Union Party ( PYD ) in the Euphrates region organized a torch march under the slogan "With the young revolution we will defeat fascism and free the leader Apo".

Dozens of the Democratic Union Party youth took part in the march in Kobane and SIrin districts. The participants carried pictures of the Leader Abdullah Ocalan, the flags and banners of the Democratic Union Party reading "With the young revolution we will defeat fascism, and free the leader Apo".

The march started from The Free Women's Square in downtown Kobane and took place on the main road inside the city, amid the chants of "leader Ocalan" towards The Square of Peace.

In the square,the joint president of the Youth Council of the Democratic Union party in the Euphrates region, Khunav Khalil, said: "February 15 marks the 21st anniversary of the international conspiracy against the leader Abdullah Ocalan. It is still continuing until now against the project of the democratic nation , that is based on the ideology and philosophy of the leader Ocalan, this thought that is considered a threat to the colonial and authoritarian regime, and we all see the attacks on the north and east of Syria by the Turkish occupation state, and its occupation of a city Afrin, and more recently the cities of Gire Spi and Seri Kania, with the support and approval of the global regimes involved in the plot, all this is a continuation of attempts to block the emergence of real democratic projects calling for the freedom and brotherhood of the peoples."

The march ended with chanting the slogans that glorify the resistance of the leader Ocalan and call for his freedom.