Hadia Yousef: Afrin, occupied areas liberation is title of diplomatic meetings

Member of Kongra Star Coordination, Hadia Yousef, said : "The issue of Afrin and the occupied areas liberation is at the title of the diplomatic meetings." She also stressed on continuing the struggle and steadfastness till the return of Afrin people to their homes under the international guarantee.

Hadia Yousef: Afrin, occupied areas liberation is title of diplomatic meetings
19 January 2020   04:43

In conjunction with the second anniversary of launching the Turkish occupation army's attacks on Afrin  canton, the member of Kongra Star Coordination, Hadia Yousef, spoke to our agency to shed the light on the present situation in Afrin and the political and diplomatic efforts to end the occupation and the returning of the displaced persons.

Two years of occupation, the regime is silent

Hadia Yousef indicated to the passage of two years on the start of the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries’ attack on Afrin canton, and committing massacres against the people, amid international and Syrian regime silence in particular. "Throughout this period of occupation there was a remarkable silence by the international community. The regime has not made any statement, or an angry reaction to the Turkish occupation of Afrin," she said.

“The Russian- Turkish relations and the direct interlink between the mercenary factions and the Turkish occupation on the Syrian lands pushes the regime to keep silent regarding the crimes and violations committed on the Syrian lands. The regime is not ready to open other war and fighting fronts in Syria,” she noted.

The aim is achieving the ambitions and plans of the Turkish state not solving the Syrian crisis

With regard to the real objectives of the Turkish occupation, Hadia Yousef said: "It has become known that the Turkish occupation of the Syrian territory is only a mean of implementing its ambitions and plans, not to resolve the Syrian crisis, and return the displaced Syrians as it claims.  What is happening in the occupied Syrian territories lately reveals the real objectives behind Turkey's support for the mercenary factions in Syria."

In this regard, she pointed out that the Turkish occupation looted the riches of the occupied territories and smuggled them into Turkey, including the monuments of the region, with the aim of "obliterating the history of the region and bringing about the demographic change from Afrin to Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî by targeting the peoples’ culture and social customs, striking the coexistence of the sects and religions, imposing  Islam, and the dissemination of the extremist ideas through the curricula they impose at schools."

Changing the culture of society and its lifestyle

Hadia Yousef also referred to the systematic policy of the Turkish occupation in changing the culture and lifestyle of society through imposing the radical Islam on the people in an atmosphere similar to what ISIS mercenaries were doing in the rest of the regions. She said, "The aim is to change the culture and lifestyle of society, and thus, elimination of the cultural identity of peoples which is represented by their language, customs and traditions will affect the whole of Syrian territory."

 Hadia Yousef stressed that such practices and systematic violations are part of the policy of the demographic, geographical and lifestyle change, thereby annexing Syrian territory to the Turkish territory.

Intensive international diplomatic efforts and meetings for Afrin question

 As for the ongoing diplomatic activities regarding the situations in Afrin and the efforts to liberate it, Hadia Yousef  said: "We focus primarily on exposing the Turkish occupation, the ongoing violations and attacks against the people in the occupied Afrin, and submission of the documents in this regard to the international community.”

She stressed that they did a lot of diplomatic activities in this regard, where communication is being made with a number of countries in the region, in addition to the ongoing efforts to reach understandings with the regime. 

She also referred to holding many international conferences for Afrin, the preparation and transmission of files and documents with photographs and videos, and statistics containing violations of the Turkish occupation to the international community and international humanitarian organizations.

Hadia Yousef stressed that the issue of Afrin liberation and return of its native inhabitants to it is "the main title of all meetings and diplomatic actions," and that they view the liberation of Afrin as the key to the liberation of the rest of the Syrian territories and resolving the crisis in the region.

We can say: "The administration has made diplomatic progress on Afrin in the region, and will do more to reach the primary goal."

She also noted that they are seeking to participate in Geneva meetings to present their projects and their point of view, adding, "The topic of the liberation of Afrin, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê will be the main focus of our discussions, in addition to the future of Syria in general through working on bringing about the democratic changes, access to a resolution for the crisis, and the Democratic Autonomous Administration to be a key partner in the process of preparing the new Syrian constitution."

We continue to resist until the return of Afrin native people to their homes

The member of Kongra Star Coordination, Hadia Yousef, stressed that in the context of the second phase of the Age Resistance, they continue on their struggle and fight approach, raising the pace of the struggle, and holding up until the liberation of Afrin, and the return of people to their homes under international guarantee and protection.