Turkey is exercising mercenarism against youths of Syria

The youth of the Syrian Democratic Council called on the Syrian youth not be drifted after the policies of the Turkish sate and said: "The Syrian mercenaries sold their dignity and humanity. They left their homeland under the footsteps of the Turkish army to go and be mercenaries on the Libyan soil."

Turkey is exercising mercenarism against youths of Syria
18 January 2020   19:26

The youth of the Syrian Democratic Council issued a statement about the Turkish efforts for recruiting the Syrian youth as mercenaries, sacrificing them in the favor of its policy. The statement was read in front of the center of the Revolutionary Youth in Tel Hamis district by the representative of the Future Syria Party, Muhammad Al Daham.

The statement read as follows:

 “In the light of the violations committed by the Turkish State and the international silence regarding those violations embodied in the direct occupation of Ras al-Ain and Tel Abyad, committing the  massacres, looting and robbing operations by the so-called National Army under the Turkish fascist state that exports terrorism and is based today on the recruitment of the Syrian youth, consolidating the principle of ethnic and murder in their minds, and keeping them away from the reality of hanging on to the land and the homeland as Syrians, Turkey worked on preparing and equipping the Syrian youths to make them scapegoats for its policy, which seemed clear in the Middle East. Today, it sends mercenaries of the National Army to take part in the ongoing fighting in Libya in favor of the Accord Government by luring the armed men of granting them Turkish citizenship and money to fight for it, that makes clear that Turkey's policy of occupation which aimed mainly at laundering the minds of the young people under its roof and embracing what are left of Jabhet al-Nusra and ISIS officially  lately, and  transforming it into forces that help it and support its terrorist interests in the region. It has become a clear policy that led to a great rift among the mercenaries of the so-called the National Army divided among themselves and which are basically formed from the remnants of terrorist groups such as ISIS, Jabhet al-Nusra and others. Turkey is trying to replicate at the same pace in Libya what it has done over the past years from the Syrian revolution.

Turkey recruited  thousands of mercenaries and sent them through its airports and borders to the Syrian north to be  a scourge  over the Syrian people, and make an excuse for the regime to use all kinds of violations against the Syrian people in addition to the violations and massacres committed by those mercenaries. Those mercenaries played the role of the proxy of the fascist Turkish state to achieve the new Ottoman.

After they achieved a part of the aims of the Turkish fascism, Turkey is heading them to Libya to do what they did in Syria, transform Libya to the field of its terrorist practices and get rid of the number of mercenaries following the series of the deals that are based on emptying Syria from the fanatic armed factions of the opposition. After they drew out of Alwa'r in Homs, Aleppo and the Eastern Ghouta, they are withdrawing today from Idlib leaving after them the worst massacres ever against the people after leaving them under the regime mercy, so that the regime will give them the opportunity to expand again in Syria and build the rule of the central state once again, ignoring the blood of Syrian sons and daughters for a free life.

We, as the youth of the Syrian Democratic Council and as a general umbrella for the free and democratic Syrian youth that believe in freedom and democracy, call on the Syrian youth not to drift behind the policies of the fascist Turkish state. The policy of the Turkish state targets directly the young people to turn them into obedient agents who work only for the ambitions of the contemporary Ottomans, so we must stand together and move accordingly, and we support the resistance of the Libyan people in order to liberate their country from the mercenaries that Turkey sends to Libya. They cannot represent the Syrian youth, and they do not represent them at all. It is nothing but a policy of creating strife between the Syrian and Libyan peoples, so we, the Syrian youth, at the time that we support the Libyan resistance, are ready to confront with the Libyan resistant people and youth.

We also call on the youth of Libya to adopt the resistance, adopt the approach of Sheikh Omar al-Mukhtar resistance, not to allow the religious plans to hinder Libya's future in a free and dignified life, and not to allow their homeland to become an arena for Erdogan's terrorist policies which target the security and freedom of the people. We also appeal the youth of the Middle East  generally to take action against the projects of the Turkish fascist state that aim at creating terrorism and terrorists and turning our homelands into arenas for building regimes with extremist terrorist approaches that serve the colonial and occupying projects.

To be brought down the dictatorial, fascist and terrorist-funded regime, the shame to the Syrian mercenaries who sold their dignity and humanity and left their homeland under the slippers of the Turkish army to go and practice mercenarism on Libya land."



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