​​​​​​​Talal Mohammed: Some Kurdish parties have own accounts, don't take serious steps.

Talal Mohammed explained that Kurdish parties such as the Kurdish National Council in the opposition have their own accounts and interests, so they do not take serious steps related to the national unity.

​​​​​​​Talal Mohammed: Some Kurdish parties have own accounts, don't take serious steps.
9 January 2020   03:26

The Co-Head  of the Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party, Talal Muhammed explained that all the conflicting powers in Syria have not been able to find a solution to the Syrian crisis, through meetings held in Astana, Geneva and elsewhere, or to find any solution that serves the Syrian people, as a result of the exclusion of the representatives of north eastern Syria from those meetings .

Unity is a necessity in the light of the balances that are made at the expense of the people

The Kurdish forces and parties must unite their ranks, amid the consensus and balances that are made at the expense of the Syrian people," he said. " Kurdish actors and parties must meet and make joint decisions to strengthen the Kurdish ranks, at this stage that requires a unified position."   

The fragmentation of the Kurdish movement affects the Kurdish interest

Muhammad stressed the need for Kurdish actors and parties to sit at the table without preconditions and take the interest of the Kurdish people as a priority.

  "The fragmentation of the Kurdish movement between the opposition in Turkey and Syria is causing a rift, affecting  the Kurdish interests," Mohammed said. 

Talal Mohammed praised the initiative launched by The Commander-in-Chief of SDF, Mazlum Abdi, to unite the Kurdish ranks, following the Turkish attack on  the  northern and eastern areas of Syria, and the planned step by the Autonomous Administration in northern and eastern Syria, namely to allow the parties of the Kurdish National Council to practice their activities are unconditional, without the need for legal approvals, as well as dropping all the charges against the leaders of the council.

Opposition linked parties don't take serious steps"

Despite launching several initiatives, for the unity of the Kurdish rank, some parties have not taken serious steps yet, they are creating excuses and arguments," Talal Mohammed pointed out in this regard that the Kurdish parties in the Syrian opposition are afraid to take serious steps, regarding the  rank unity .  "The Kurdish parties in the  opposition, such as the Kurdish National Council, have calculations, if they get close to the Autonomous Administration and the unity of the Kurdish rank, their relations with the opposition, the negotiating committees and the Syrian constitution will not be cut, therefore, they don't take serious steps," he said.

Following the launched initiatives in relation to the Kurdish unity, the Autonomous Administration statement in connection with the activities of the Kurdish National Council parties, and  dropping all the charges against the leadership of the Kurdish National Council, the Kurdish National Council issued a statement explaining that the reason for not taking serious steps was the presence of political detainees in  the prisons of the Autonomous Administration , Talal Mohammed said, it is an argument and not a great reason why they have not taken serious steps. "  Autonomous Administration could make it clear in a statement whether they have political prisoners or not," he said.

Talal Mohammed also stated that the unity of the Kurdish rank will have positive results for the Kurdish people in general, and it will be more powerful in the face of the enemy and the occupiers, especially the Turkish occupation, and he also said: "Together we can demand our rights, through dialogue with the Syrian regime, and protect our achieved gains thanks to the sacrifices of 11 Thousands of martyrs and 22,000 wounded."

Muhammad also explained the need to read the reality, the political equation, and the road map in Syria correctly, and "So far, the Syrian regime has not recognized the rights of our people, so the Kurdish movement and all the forces associated with it are required to unite and develop the work of Autonomous Administration together," he said.



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