From peaceful streets to resistance plains , story of homeland-met call people

  Unlike thousands of young people, who migrated from their countries in the Middle East to the European countries, fearing wars and difficult economic conditions,  this young man came from those countries, which many dreamed of, and joined the revolution and resistance  ranks against the Turkish attack on northern and eastern Syria, and this is a thing .

From peaceful streets to resistance plains , story of homeland-met call people
9 January 2020   03:58
Kobane- Zana Sidi

The  ways in which thousands of young Kurds fleeing from the overlapping conflicts in Syria and Iraq to the European countries over the past few years seemed almost deadly, on one hand , confronting the brokers and traffickers of the human organs, to facing the waves of seas that have claimed hundreds of lives. in the journey of getting to those countries, not counting the huge sums paid to realize that dream.

The  young Kurdish Mehdi Mohieddin had a different view, who settled for more than 19 years in the British capital, London, he saw that escaping these conflicts in Kurdistan would pave the way for an external occupation and that is not the solution, but he must defend those areas, and resist in various means

 Mahdi was not the only young man to arrive during the Turkish offensive on different areas in northern and eastern Syria, but 83 young people have come from various cities and towns in Bashur Kurdistan since the Turkish offensive began on October 9 last year to participate in the Age Resistance.

 In support of his Kurdish cause, and in an effort to introduce the Kurds in Britain to this issue, Mehdi Mohieddin, 40, participated in various civic activities and events, after years of study, particularly organizing demonstrations against the Turkish occupation, to decide later to return to Rojava, and participate in the Resistance against the Turkish attack, after two decades in London city.

 Mahdi's story differs from the thousands of stories that emerged during the years of crisis in the region, between  someone is seeking for safety, strict laws, artificial European restrictions for refugees, and seeking to create freedom with arms against an occupier, who is not concerned with the language of peace.

Mehdi Mohiuddin comes from Sarzel village, near the Kurdish city of Sulaimaniyah, and his father fought with Peshmerga, battles against the Iraqi invasion of the Kurdish areas during the 1980s and 1990s, but he came against a painful reality when a civil war broke out between the Kurds themselves, in the mountains of South Kurdistan, then Mahdi's father decided to lay down his arms and refused to take part in the war sparked by  the foreign strife.

 "I couldn't bear to see these painful scenes of killing the Kurdish children and women in the Kurdish cities by the Turkish occupation, this is our land, the land of the Kurds, called Kurdistan, there is no such thing as northern, southern or western Kurdistan, wherever it is found," Mahdi said, referring to the motives of his arrival in Rojava. "The injustice against our people, we have to go there, what is the use of the safety that we live outside our homeland, Kurdistan is our identity, and it is our home for which we live and die."

At the beginning of November 2019, Mehdi Mohieddin arrived in Kobane, along with five other youths, from a number of Kurdish cities in Bashur.

 Mahdi explains that the Kurdish revolution in Rojava needs young people to contribute to all fields of health, education, service, as well as military, calling on Kurdish youth to go from all Kurdish cities to Rojava and participate in raising the banner of victory in them.



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