Peace Party's youths urge youths to participate in KNK initiative

The youths of the Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party appealed to all the Kurdish youths to join the initiative launched by the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) and form a unity against the enemy in a statement.

Peace Party's youths urge youths to participate in KNK initiative
1 February 2019   19:16


The Kurdistan Democratic People Party's youths issued on Friday a statement to the public opinion, calling on all the Kurdish youth to participate in the initiative launched by KNK with the aim of forming a Kurdish unity in Rojava and north Syria.

The statement included,

"The situation in Rojava is critical. There are Turkish threats to occupy the area. The occupation and its mercenaries' violations in Afrin; killing, looting and destroying continue, and explosions are witnessed daily. It is must to stand firmly against these brutal violations.

In recent days, the Kurdistan National Conference has launched an initiative to form a Kurdish unity. As the youths of the Democratic Peace Party, we call upon all the youths to participate in the initiative of KNK to stand against the Turkish occupation that aims to spread strife among the Kurdish people. We also deplore the violations ongoing in Afrin by the Turkish occupation army and mercenaries."