Manbij clans: We to protect our city's security

A number of Arab clans in Manbij said that it is necessary to "stand together as a people to maintain the security and stability of our city." They called on their people to be aware of the conspiracies being waged against their city.

Manbij clans: We to protect our city's security
6 December 2018   03:15


Khalid Shibli, one of the clan elders of Manbij and Abdul Razaq Ismail of al-Dulmalkha clan, praised the security and stability situation in the city of Manbij and said that there are parties with certain interests that are trying to destabilize the prevailing security and stability

 Abdul Razaq Ismail of al-Dulmalkha clan said, "Manbij lives in a state of stability, security. The people live their lives normally and jobs are available."

  He added, "the reason for this security and stability lies in the love that exists among the people of the country on the one hand, and on the other hand the greatest credit is due to Manbij Military Council and Internal Security Forces that maintain security and protect the city.

He pointed out that there are parties that have certain interests that are trying to destabilize the security and stability of this city and do not want the people to live in a state of safety and democracy, so they try every now and then to bomb, threaten and assassinate to instill fear and strife among the people.

He called on the children of Manbij of all components to be vigilant to the conspiracies waged against their city and their homeland

Khaled Shibli, one of the clan elders added, "We live in Manbij in a state of stability and security after liberating the city from mercenaries"  he added "But some parties that support mercenaries have always sought to create strife and destabilize the city."

Shibli urged the clans to be wary of those who seek to undermine the security and stability of the region.