Free collapse from the top of summitts of Astana

Free collapse from the top of summitts of Astana
10 September 2018   06:25


Their complicity in the Geneva process of political solution is not for the benefit of any Syrian party, the government or the opposition, but to prolong the destructive period of war, and to mark the opportunity to settle the calculations of international interests between different axes on Syrian soil and at the expense of the Syrian people.

In the facade of Astana, Russia, Iran and Turkey appear to be active and unique in the Syrian file, both on the ground and politically. The other players, especially the United States, are helpless or unpaid leave to name the ostensible countries of Astana. The simplest political analysis of international interests and the positioning of each country on the political, economic and natural maps of the globe ends with a logical result of the distribution of interests among the states on a single map, in which political and economic images overlap with politics. The oil and other sources of energy and the existence of Israel and the global communications node makes the United States, the world leader admittedly, a Middle Eastern country political, economic and natural,

Therefore, some doubt about abandoning Syria, the Middle Eastern country adjacent to the sources of energy and Israel, and at the heart of the global communications complex, is a misunderstanding of some, where intervening and active countries want to confuse the Syrian mentality on side, loyalists and opponents, More than is confused in the game of international interests at the expense of national interests at worst, or at best, the political analyst can not. According to the data of realistic political maps, only the conclusion that the United States of America covers all agreements and understandings that come out of Astana as the world leader and interests require an effective presence in the Middle East

The mistrust of the ostensibly sponsoring countries of the Astana negotiations, experts and leaders, is a good thing, and all Syrian parties are required to submit anything else in their own accounts or in the national accounts if Syrian Nationalism has any account at the time.

The Syrian in all the rounds of experts in the negotiations of Astana is the absent present, the sponsoring deliberate his condition, without having any role other than hearing obedience. At the top of the path of Astana is absent present because all sponsoring countries in the face can not overcome the negative position of the sponsor state in the subcontinent, the United States of America, the legitimacy of the Syrian presidency, and therefore the summit of Astana on the heads of the phenomenon while the head of the sub - Mr. Trump at each summit either Pretends not to be indifferent or sends messages that are inherently hidden but are clear and understandable in essence by his partners in the Astana team or motivate the Security Council to give an impression of the importance of the subject at hand internationally.

The path of Astana was the only way out of the Geneva complex, and in both cases, in the nod and the exit, there is a Russian-American agreement. Anyone who does not see it is blind. The two sides also agreed at the Helsinki summit to weaken the role of Iran and Turkey in Syria, as weakened by the role of both Saudi Arabia and Qatar to unite in the political solution in Geneva or elsewhere and take  the fruits of geopolitical and economic.

It is ironic, or a mockery of the tricks of the superpowers of the destinies of the conquered peoples, that these countries should agree to arrange the field of conflict against Syria in accordance with their conflicting interests and in the interests of these interests. Contradicting interests secured by sharing land or sharing spheres of influence. A US area east of the Euphrates and a Russian region west of the Euphrates if we consider the Euphrates River a dividing line In the region of East Euphrates, the eye of the neighboring Turkey will be blown up. In the West Euphrates region, the eye of Iran will be closed. The American and Russian sides may accept for a certain period the survival of Iran and Turkey in specific areas west of the Euphrates, north and south, until they complete preparations for a political process. They are unique. But in the meantime Iran and Turkey are facing harsh blows by Israel and by the Syrian Democratic Forces SDF respectively, both covered by the United States and with a green Russian light. In both cases, the Syrian government does not support the strikes but does not mind them because it will not lose anything of its account with the two superpowers.

In each summit in Astana, Tehran or Istanbul, the presidents' statement includes the unity of Syria, the political solution, the return of displaced people and refugees, reconstruction and humanitarian files, creating a sense that sponsoring countries are just around the corner to address all these files that end happy to the Syrian adversity . Every time the subject for which the summit meets, it will miss its statement, but it will come to the field with more murder, destruction, displacement, fragmentation of the country.

The argument of terrorist gangs Daesh and Jabhit al-Nusra, and other less radical Islamic  gangs and the fight against terrorism are ready either by a quick reference in the statements or by hinting and after that the terrorists transfer air-conditioned buses to places outside of De-escalation areas created by the meetings of Astana experts from the sponsors and imposed on the Syrian parties present absentees, Daesh to the Syrian Badia and Jabhit al-Nusra may end up after Idlib's potential battles to Afrin, Bab, Azaz and Jarablus In all cases, these terrorist organizations are used as a pretext to prolong the war in Syria and achieve immediate goals and strategic goals that can be understood only in the context of building geopolitical partnerships between the superpowers and pruning Iran and Turkey. The linking of the political solution to the eliminate of terrorism and the removal of foreign forces from Syria, which means Iran, its gangs , Turkey and its gangs prolonging the ordeal and bringing the Syrian mindset to accept any solutions imposed by the United States and the Russian Federation on the scale of their interests without regard to Syria's national interests. As long as Iran and Turkey do not realize the limits of their intervention or their actions in the map of the Middle East with all its political, economic and natural images, the war of others on Syrian soil will continue for years to come.

The internal parties are all Syrian nationalities based on Syria's unity and independence with the departure of all regional foreign powers Then there is no justification for the presence of Iranian and Turkish forces and will push the two superpowers towards accelerating the political solution, Through which the Syrian state can guarantee some of its interests. Terrorism is simple because it is a result of the conflict and not one of its causes will end with its termination once America and Russia agree.

The Tehran summit last Friday, September 7, 2018, in which the presidents of Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed to address the situation in De-escalation areas in Idlib in the spirit of Astana Otherwise, any statements made by this party at the political level are out of context and are meant to reassure an enemy. The statements of the US administration and the statements of its president specify the limits of the military operations, settlements and reconciliations that will take place in the Syrian province of Idlib in the spirit of Astana, according to the statement of its summit in Tehran, in which the American president was present absentee. The decisions concerning the agenda of the summit (Idlib) were taken in the spirit of Trump,

Just as it did at each summit before "addressing the status of the former De-escalation zones." President Trump has put processes to address Idlib's anger, chemical and massacres, and Demistora put an end to one concern, displacement. Chemical and massacres, both of which, if signed, are investigated by the United Nations without mentioning the perpetrator, with the distinction of civilians being killed by chemical weapons or in a massacre of civilians killed by other means or in normal war conditions by having a minute of silence in the Security Council. As for the displacement, the United Nations is only mediating with the warring parties on the ground to open safe crossings for civilians, and they are setting tents for them and providing meals !!!
