Lailawa al-Abdulla: al-Jazeera Tempest still ongoing, battles at the highest pace

Lailawa al-Abdullah said that al-Jazeera Tempest campaign is still ongoing and the battles are at the highest pace between their forces and IS mercenaries, pointing that the fighters have opened safe corridors for liberating the civilians, stressing that all attempts by IS mercenaries, including mines, failed to obstruct the progress of their forces.

Lailawa al-Abdulla: al-Jazeera Tempest still ongoing, battles at the highest pace
13 June 2018   05:41


Al-Jazeera Tempest campaign which was resumed by the Syrian Democratic Forces is still ongoing to clear the Syrian-Iraqi border and the countryside of al-Hasakah from IS mercenaries completely, the official spokesperson of al-Jazeera Tempest campaign, Lailawa al-Abdullah, said in a statement to Hawar news agency that the campaign is still ongoing and the liberation of civilians is the priority for the forces that lead the campaign.

"From the beginning of the campaign, several villages have been liberated, including the village of Tal Hamidi, Safian, Khabri shrine, Hijla, Shamas, Morjan, Oudad and Um Mahfour," she said.

She confirmed that the area witnessed violent clashes between the SDF forces and IS mercenaries, using medium and heavy weapons, and the forces were able to kill a large number of mercenaries, and found 5 tunnels and captured a number of mercenaries.

She said that since the beginning of the campaign in the countryside of al-Hasakah, the Special Forces of Syrian Democratic Forces have opened safe corridors to free civilians from IS mercenaries who use them as human shields to obstruct the progress of the campaign. "Through these corridors, a large number of civilians whom stranded in the clashes areas had been liberated.

Abdullah noted that IS mercenaries are trying to block the progress of the campaign by preventing civilians from leaving their villages and launching suicide attacks through the use of car bombs and suicide attacks on the points of SDF concentration.

She said that IS mercenaries used several methods to avoid the blows of Syrian Democratic Forces, but the forces managed to thwart all the attempts of IS  mercenaries, and our forces continue to progress.

Lailawa al-Abdullah said that IS mercenaries are planting mines in the villages, especially the sensitive laser mines, in order to avenge the residents and to disrupt al-Jazeera Tempest campaign, stressing that the engineering teams are working intensively in the liberated villages liberated to save the lives of civilians.