SDF advanced another km towards Euphrates River

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters advanced another kilometer on Sunday evening towards the Euphrates River within al-Jazeera Tempest campaign.

SDF advanced another km towards Euphrates River
6 May 2018   17:26


Al-Jazeera Tempest campaign which began its last stage six days ago continues with all its strength on the Syrian-Iraqi borders. The Syrian Democratic Forces’ fighters advanced this evening another kilometer towards the Euphrates River and neutralized the impact of 4 mines that were planted by IS mercenaries on their way to the area.

With these advances, 4 kilometers have remained in front of the fighters to reach Bakuz village on the Euphrates River.

Al-Jazeera Tempest campaign to liberate the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor which was stopped because of attacks launched by the Turkish occupation state on Afrin began again on May 1, and the fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces destroyed on Sunday morning two military vehicles and combed 18 kilometers.