The Future Syria Party is a consolidation of peoples’ fraternity

Reportaj Summay

The Future Syria Party is a consolidation of peoples’ fraternity
23 April 2018   09:04


A member of the General Council of the Future Party of Syria and representative of al-Tabqa Muthanna Abdul Karim said that the party was founded on the importance of consolidating the principle of brotherhood of peoples and coexistence and the rejection of the policy of segregation and exclusion which was followed in the region by authoritarian regimes and dictatorships that broadcast discrimination and racism among peoples.

After decades of one-party rule, centralized leadership and exclusion, which left behind a fragile generation that brought Syria as a whole to the edge of the abyss. This era ended with the birth of religious, sectarian and ethnic extremism that destroyed a whole generation, especially in al-Raqqa and al-Tabqa and their villages, which were the strongholds of the most dangerous terrorist organization known to humanity as mercenaries calling for the collapse of their alleged state under the blows of heroes and heroines of Syrian Democratic Forces.

And after the liberation of al-Tabqa and then al-Raqqa from the abomination of mercenaries by the Syrian Democratic Forces, which went on the principle of brotherhood of peoples and coexistence and in response to the requirements of the current phase and the consolidation of those principles, it was necessary to have a political party that includes all aspects of society and calls for freedom, justice and equality. On this basis, the Syrian Future Party, which began its activities on March 27 of this year in the city of Raqqa, was established to achieve all that the people have reached.

In an interview with a member of the General Council of the Future Party of Syria and the representative of al-Tabqa, Muthanna Abdul Karim, who confirmed that the Future Syria Party was established to solve the Syrian crisis to serve the Syrian people and not to serve the external forces occupying Syria.

The questions posed were as follows:

*The Syrian Future Party was founded in the city of Raqqa, the first political party in the region, for a while. What are the goals and activities of the party?

Syria Future Party is a mass party that stems from the aspirations of the people and their pains and concerns to bear hope in light of the current circumstances and the tough years that have passed through our Syrian people and carried them to displacement and destruction, the core of this suffering was the existence of a political party carries hope and remove the pain from our people and fight for achieving the wishes of the Syrian people and the Syrian North in particular.

Our party is considered the first political party in the region. It also aims to find ways of political solution as well as to give people the truth of their humanity and the meaning of their existence. It also seeks to consecrate the meanings of citizenship and ensure rights without distinction between one of the components. To preserve the Syrian national sovereignty and establish good neighborly relations with the countries of the region. The party will have clear activities in all fields, whether cultural, social or political.

*In the north of Syria, the multiplicity of components, what is its role in forming the party organizationally and politically?

The Syrian people as a whole suffered from the policy of exclusion and the wrong ideology, especially the peoples and components of the north and north-east Syria. They were marginalized and today, after the availability of fertile soil and suitable land, the party emerged to include all the components of Kurd, Arab, Assyrian, Syriac, Circassians, Yazidi, Turkman and others. The true Syrian essence and the meaning of fraternity and co-existence. The party rejects the policy of excluding the other, so it was like a starry sky where all Syrian components glow together. The party is the land of the homeland and the Syrian components, rich in culture, diversity and historical existence. Components for the primary role in the organization of the party ranks and support and dissemination of ideas where everyone has gained acceptance.

*Youth are the most important group in society, how will the party attract this category and how will organize them?

Youth are the strength of all societies and they are the cornerstone of building any project. Therefore, it was necessary to seek to join this group and focus on it. The youth office of the party was opened in all its branches in the provinces and regions to organize the youth and in the party we can say that there is a great majority of this group, which attracted the ideas of the party and its objectives and principles and had an optimal role in the birth of the party and the design of its objectives and policy and in the coming period there will be intensive youth meetings to explain the principles and objectives of the party for this important group as well as listening to their concerns and seek solutions to them.

*What is the relationship between Syria's future party and other political parties and groups?

This party is a mass political party and is calling for a political solution to the crisis and this will be the real dialogue of the party will be the ship of survival and therefore will be in the next phase of meetings and discussions with political parties and gatherings to discuss the reality of the crisis and the exchange of views.

*The Syrian crisis has been going on for about eight years. What is the party's view of the crisis and what is its role in solving it?

Since the start of the popular movement and the start of the crisis in Syria began with the Syrian bloodshed and turning this movement from peaceful to militarization, which led to a lot of destruction and displacement and the emergence of demographic change in many areas of Syria as well as the emergence of migration and continued suffering, under all these things proved one word failure of the political solution to this crisis. This solution that is suitable for reality and not far away from it or imaginary so it was and remains the future Syrian party calling for the optimal political solution to the Syrian crisis and our aspirations for this solution first of the end of the military option and start a comprehensive dialogue without exception of any party, the people are waiting for us and we have hopes and we must think about the nation and the people first.

*As a founding member, what is the initial assessment of the party's start?

I believe that the party's start was good and that the distressed city of al-Raqqa as a headquarters is a great step and a confirmation that the Syrian people are a diverse people.\