Hassen Koçer: Afrin is its people’s, not occupiers,  thieves

The administrator of the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) Hassen Koçer said that the departure of Afrin's people and not accepting the Turkish occupation sent a message to the world that Afrin is for its people, and it would  not be the property of anyone else

Hassen Koçer: Afrin is its people’s, not occupiers,  thieves
Hassen Koçer: Afrin is its people’s, not occupiers,  thieves
8 April 2018   04:14


In the context of the series of meetings held by Democratic Society Movement for Afrin's people who are living in al- Shahba canton, the Democratic Society Movement held on Saturday a meeting in Tel Qerah village, and by dozens people attended.

After holding a minute of silence, the director of the Democratic Society Movement, Hassen Koçer spoke about the latest developments on the Syrian arena and Afrin in particular.

He said, "The Syrian crisis entered a new stage. After the agency's war ended, the forces fighting on Syria’s lands started a battle by mobilizing their forces and launching attacks on Syrian areas in general and the Syrian north in particular."

Koçer pointed out that Russia’s goal of holding an agreement with the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries is to launch the attack on Afrin is to impede the NATO power as Turkey is a member, leading to weakness in the Global Coalition that fights IS mercenaries, and Russia wants to remove Turkey from the alliance and to enter it into partnership with Iran and Syria in accordance with its Interests ".

Koçer explained that the people must escalate the spirit of resistance by saying, "The fight against the Turkish occupier continues, and the people will not allow Turkey to change the demography of the area."

Koçer concluded by renewing the covenant to Afrin's people that they would take revenge for the martyrs of Resistance of the Age.