Afrin people: Afrin would be its owners’

A number of Afrin people said that the international silence about the attacks and killing the children and women in Afrin was a support to the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries, and they pointed out that Afrin would be for its owners and not otherwise. 

Afrin people: Afrin would be its owners’
27 March 2018   08:02


AL-SHAHBA- Thousands of Afrin people were obliged to exit their homes and head towards Sherawa district and al-Shahba canton because of the intensive attacks and warplanes’ bombardment of the Turkish army on Afrin canton.

Consequently, the municipality of people in al-Shahba canton has initiated in cooperation with Afrin canton administration to construct another camp in Fafin district for Afrin people, and about 50 families are dwelling there.

Hawar news agency’s reporters held interviews with a number of Afrin people who are dwelling in the camp to talk about the international silence towards the attacks and the bombardment launched by the Turkish warplanes on Afrin, in addition to their resistance against this aggression.

 The citizen Hassen Farid from Hajj Jamala village in Rajo area wonders why UN and the international organizations keep silent towards these attacks and the massacres committed by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries against Afrin people. Hassen Farid added, “This silence indicates that all the states of the world participated in occupying Afrin and killing the civilians.”

Farid described the Turkish aggression against the civilians as immoral and inhumane, and he pointed out that they did not attack Turkey’s lands so why does it attack our lands and kill our children and women in addition to bombarding our areas to drive us out of our homes.

Now, we are living in a camp in al-Shahba canton, and Hassen Farid assured that Afrin people would not forget the Turkish state’s practices against Afrin.

Hassen Farid added, “Afrin is our land and not the Turkish occupation’s.

While the citizen Mawlouda Hassen from Rajo area said, “What is those civilians’ guilt, they are killing them and displacing them from their homes, do not we have the right to live on our land decently? Where are the states of the world? Do not they see what is happening in Afrin?

Mawlouda Hassen assured that the Turkish mercenaries loot and steel the civilians’ possessions; they do not protect them.

In her turn, the citizen Suad Mohammed from Hajj Jamala village said, “We were living safely in Afrin, but the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries attacked us and drove us out of our land, and we were forced to go to a safe place. Today, we are living in the camp in al-Shahba canton.”

Suad concluded her speech saying, “Afrin would triumph on the aggression, and we hope that our fighters would exit the occupation and its mercenaries from our land.”