Opening women center in al-Khatounia

Women's Committee of al-Raqqa Civil Council opened a women council center in al-Raqqa and its countryside during an official opening ceremony held on Monday in al- Khatounia area.

Opening women center in al-Khatounia
Opening women center in al-Khatounia
Opening women center in al-Khatounia
Opening women center in al-Khatounia
Opening women center in al-Khatounia
26 March 2018   11:44

AL-RAQQA- The opening ceremony was attended by members of Civil Council, local councils, representatives of the youth, Syrian Women Council and a number of residents of al-Raqqa.
Then a minute of silence was held followed by a number of speeches which congratulated the opening of the center and wished to help raise the level of women in al-Raqqa area and activate its role in society.
Fayrouz Khalil the director of Women Committee said "Through this center, women will be organized and will receive intellectual training that will enable them to play their proper role in all fields."

The member of Syrian Women Council, Maryam Mohammed, said that the remarkable achievements will bring women from darkness to light to work towards advance, freedom and democracy.

It is worth mentioning that the status of women in al-Khatounia area is the main center for the role of women in al-Raqqa city and its suburbs.