Activities of martyrs' families Council Conference continue by delivering speeches

The Fifth Conference of Martyrs' Families Council in Kobani continues to deliver speeches.

Activities of martyrs' families Council Conference continue by delivering speeches
Activities of martyrs' families Council Conference continue by delivering speeches
Activities of martyrs' families Council Conference continue by delivering speeches
Activities of martyrs' families Council Conference continue by delivering speeches
Activities of martyrs' families Council Conference continue by delivering speeches
26 March 2018   10:16

KOBANI - Under slogan "In the spirit of the martyrs of Resistance of the age, we will increase the pace of our struggle against occupation" The activities of the 5th Conference of Martyrs' Families Council in Kobani canton.
The conference began with a minute of silence. A bureau starts the conference.

The co-chair of Syrian Democratic Council, Ilham Ahmed, then delivered a speech in which she saluted the martyrs of Resistance of the age and all the martyrs of freedom who lost their lives for the freedom of peoples.
Ilham Ahmed spoke about Turkish state policy in Rojava and North Syria. She said: "This conference and the meetings that are taking place at this stage means lifting the martyrs of Resistance of the age who have staged heroic massacres in the face of Turkish occupation. Afrin is now at a delicate stage. Turkish state supported the mercenary groups. "Through its attack on Kobani city to hit the values ​​and achievements of Rojava revolution, but failed to do so through the resistance demonstrated by the people in Kobani and fighters of People and Women Protection Units.