We will thwart attacks with organized society - Aldar Khalil

Every time the region of North and East Syria makes progress or a new development, the regime of the Justice and Development Party and the National Movement attacks, in front of the eyes of the whole world, the infrastructure of the region, targeting electricity and water plants, grain silos, cotton warehouses, mills, health centers, gas stations, and factories, and workshops that meet the basic needs of society.

We will thwart attacks with organized society - Aldar Khalil
16 January 2024   17:37

It is clear that these attacks aim to destroy livelihoods; The people of the region faced death as a result of being deprived of water, bread, and electricity. They committed these practices against everyone and everywhere. That is, Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians, Armenians, Turkmens, Muslims, Christians and Yazidis are exposed to genocidal attacks.

These attacks are launched in front of everyone, so there is no need to go into their details. Instead of commenting on what happened and its consequences, we should highlight what we must do to thwart these attacks and what we must do to achieve victory.

Certainly, no one expects sympathy and mercy from the enemy and to deal in accordance with humanitarian principles, just as none of us relies on foreign powers and countries of the world to protect and defend us, or expects them to act in a way that conflicts with their interests with the Turkish occupation state and enter into conflicts and wars. This is not right, but it is... Just self-deception, and on this basis, the truth that stands before us is to act in accordance with the truth of the revolution. The truth proven by the long years of struggle is that our people made great sacrifices in an unparalleled struggle and historical resistance, and that they continued to advance in the most difficult circumstances and did not retreat a single step, which is it is now required, in this sensitive and critical stage, to continue to adhere to this sense and position and expose the practices and violations of the Turkish state by preserving his own power and free will.

 It is important to build relationships, form friendships, raise our voice and communicate with everyone. We must develop our relations with the international community, put the Turkish government’s brutality and the war crimes it is committing on everyone’s global agenda on both the legal and humanitarian levels, and urge the media and international courts of justice to put this issue on the agenda. Its actions, but we reiterate what we mentioned above, that the solution and achieving victory depend on the level of organization and fundamental struggle, so we must know that building a free and successful life requires developing awareness of the philosophy of coexistence for a democratic society, and the title of this matter is replacing the central system with a local, autonomous social system. In all areas of life, and when we talk about decentralization, we do not mean only the political and administrative aspects, but rather we mean making decentralization and subjectivity our philosophy of life.

For example, the defense system, which relies on the system of centralized professional armies of states, needs to be changed and raised to the level of the social defense system in which the entire society defends its revolution and its existence. We witnessed a similar experience at the beginning of the Rojava Revolution. At that time, all neighborhoods and villages had protection units. It includes all segments of society. They were civilians on the one hand, and protectors and fighters defending their land on the other hand. Everyone was protectors of the homeland. In short, it is important that the protection and defense forces are not separate from society and isolated from it. All members of society must take responsibility for defending themselves. And their land is on their shoulders, and the Fundamental Protection Forces are now considered a model for social protection, as it has been organized in all cities and villages, so it is important for it to become a culture in society. All segments of society, from young people, to women, to the elderly, and from all nationalities and religions, must join. To the Fundemental Protection Units (HPC), and in this situation it is more appropriate to say that this society must organize itself according to the requirements of the people's revolutionary war.

The same applies to the subject of the economy, that is, to replace large factories by producing products and meeting the same needs in homes and communes, and to develop the social economy through the cooperative system. If each commune cooperates with all families and people in the neighborhood to produce products and move from a consumer society to a society Productive and creative, then the enemy will not be able to eliminate the means, means, and sources of life, no matter how much they bomb the factories. Our society is a productive society by nature and still preserves its natural resources, and a large part of our society still meets its daily needs from its fields, orchards, animal husbandry, and handicrafts. Instead of importing goods from other countries, the goods themselves must be manufactured using available natural resources. The reality of our society has proven that it is possible for it to meet most of its needs at home, meaning that we must replace the culture of trade with the culture of production with our own and available resources.

The same applies to the media as well. In order to carry out media and publishing work, disseminate and communicate information, and successfully preserve the values of the revolution, all members of society must take this responsibility upon themselves through their pages on virtual media, and each one of them must become a media body. Instead of relying on the central broadcasting and media system, such as satellite stations and agencies only, everyone must engage in media work, as we mentioned above.

When organized society undertakes to perform and implement everything, then the revolution reaches its true meaning and then that revolution is certainly a social democratic revolution, and at the same time it becomes the most appropriate system of defense and protection in the face of enemy attacks.

As much as decentralization is a solution against dictatorial and fascist ruling regimes, it is also a solution and a method for establishing and protecting a free democratic social system.

T/ Satt.