“We will not give up on our only demand”

The people of Amuda district affirmed that demanding the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan is the duty of everyone who calls for freedom and humanity, noting that everyone must gather around his idea and do what is required of them. They said: “We will not stop pursuing our only demand.”

“We will not give up on our only demand”
17 April 2024   03:01

Leader Abdullah Ocalan is subjected to strict isolation on Imrali Island, and no information has been received about him since March 25, 2021, and his family and lawyer are unable to meet with him, without any international condemnation or accountability.

The practices of the Turkish occupation state against Leader Abdullah Ocalan raised concerns among the people of North and East Syria, especially about his health condition. Muhammad Saeed Farso, a resident of Amuda district, spoke about his concerns about the health condition of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the Turkish authorities’ imposition of strict isolation on him. He said: “The Turkish authorities impose strict isolation on Leader Abdullah Ocalan out of fear of his thought and philosophy, which has become a source of inspiration for all oppressed and freedom-eager peoples for democracy and has become a beacon for the whole world.”

We will not give up on our only demand

Muhammad Saeed Farso said: “We, as the people of the Amuda district, we go out in demonstrations, marches, and hold meetings to denounce the strict isolation, and we strive with all our efforts to reach our voice to the human rights organizations concerned with human rights, from which we have lost hope, because they cannot protect human rights, and as long as they stand... Stand by and do not show any position to stand up to the violations of the Turkish occupation, as they are partners in these violations.”

Farso stressed: “We will demand the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan until the last breath, and we will not stop in our only demand. The Turkish state has lost its moral and human values, so the people who believe in Leader Ocalan’s thought and philosophy must struggle until he is physically liberated.”

Muhammad Saeed Farso said: “We will not surrender to Turkish fascist practices, and they will not be able to break our will. We will struggle and struggle and face all challenges and obstacles.”

We must live up to the responsibility given by Leader Abdullah Ocalan

For her part, Ilham Hussein said: “The sons and mothers of the Kurdish people, especially the women who emerged from the shell of injustice and slavery thanks to Leader Abdullah Ocalan, should struggle for the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and consider this matter one of their duties, and they should not surrender to what is happening.”

Elham Hussein stressed that the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is the duty and demand of everyone who calls for freedom and humanity, and she said: “Adopting the thought of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is adopting existence. Therefore, everyone must come together around the thought of the leader today.”

Elham Hussein noted: “Thanks to the democratic nation project proposed by Leader Abdullah Ocalan, which is based on the principle of unity of peoples, equality and justice between the genders, women were granted all their rights and played their role in all fields, so women must be up to the responsibility given by Leader Abdullah Ocalan."

As for Salha Mustafa, who denounced and decried the strict isolation on Leader Abdullah Ocalan, she said: “For several years, the Turkish fascist authorities have imposed strict isolation on Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and prevented his fans from learning about his situation and checking on him. Turkish fascism believes that if they cut off news of Leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Salha Mustafa confirmed that as women worked hard, and they struggle throughout the day despite their old age, and they rise up against Turkish practices, and they go out to the squares and carry out activities, hoping that their voice will reach the organizations that turn a blind eye regarding the violations and crimes of the Turkish occupation.

T/ Satt.