Turkish occupation mercenaries abduct woman from occupied Afrin

The mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state kidnapped a Kurdish woman from Rajo district in occupied Afrin.

Turkish occupation mercenaries abduct woman from occupied Afrin
11 February 2024   15:11

According to Afrin Post website, “Anti-terrorism” mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state in the occupied city of Azaz kidnapped a Kurdish citizen named “Rola Hamdo (38 years old)” from the Rajo district and who lives in the center of the occupied city of Afrin, on February 9, while she was going to Azaz, accompanied by a number of her colleagues. 

The website published the news on its page on Telegram “Rola and her colleagues were transferred to the mercenaries’ headquarters for investigation, where Rola’s colleagues were released and her fate remains unknown until now.”
