Turkish occupation attacks goal is to empty region, strike AANES project

Raqqa intellectuals confirmed that the attacks of the Turkish occupation state on the region, and its targeting of infrastructure and economic facilities, are aimed at emptying the region and striking the AANES project, which has become the ideal model for resolving the Syrian crisis.

Turkish occupation attacks goal is to empty region, strike AANES project
27 Decemberember 2023   03:04

The Turkish occupation state is still ramping up its attacks on North and East Syria, while the world and countries concerned with the Syrian issue stand without any condemnation or denunciation.

The co-chair of the Culture and Arts Committee in Raqqa, Hassan Mustafa, said: “There is no doubt that the continuous attacks on the region by the Turkish occupation and its use of drones and warplanes are aimed at destabilizing security and stability, emptying the region, and striking the vital and strategic Autonomous Administration project, which has become a milestone in the Middle East in general, and Syria in particular, represents the ideal model for resolving the Syrian crisis, and many Syrians and stakeholders have become aware of this fact.”

He added, "Therefore, such attacks that the Turkish regime relied on come to formulate its role in fragmenting the region, just as the Zionist entity is working today to achieve the same goal, which is fragmenting the region."

He pointed to the suspicious international silence regarding these attacks and crimes, and stressed that it is stain on the humanity that “claim to protect human rights and freedoms.”

He held states and human rights organizations responsible for the crimes committed by Turkey against the people of the region, and demanded that they be referred to international criminal courts to be punished.

He stressed, "The continuing attacks will not deter us from continuing our path, the path of building and giving, the path of North and East Syria, until it becomes a model that can be circulated in Syria in general."

Member of the Union of Intellectuals and human rights activist, Shawakh Al-Ahmad, said: “The attacks of the Turkish occupation on our regions come as part of a major project sweeping the region that Turkey was tasked with implementing as part of a historical grudge against the region from the days of the Ottoman massacres in the last century, and this grudge has continued and taken opportunities in light of an international absence.”

He added, "The Turkish occupation state committed massacres against us through its continuous bombing and attacks, in addition to the violations it commits against our people in the occupied areas."

He stressed, "What Turkey is doing in targeting the infrastructure in the region is against the backdrop of its project to ethnically cleanse the region and drain the region to create waves of population displacement in the region. When the infrastructure of gas, water and electricity is destroyed, this targeting leads to the displacement and emptying of the region of its real population with historical depth." In the region, it may bring in mercenaries to control the region to be able to direct them and use them in the ways available to it and serve the Turkish occupier.”

At the conclusion of his speech, Al-Ahmad stressed that what Turkey is doing is a war crime, so human rights organizations must perform their role legally by issuing decisions that are binding to be implemented to limit its crimes against the region.

T/ Satt.