TEV-DEM calls for strengthening cohesion against Turkish attacks

The Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) denounced the Turkish attacks on the region of NE Syria, and called on the components of the region to strengthen their cohesion in the face of these attacks.

TEV-DEM calls for strengthening cohesion against Turkish attacks
14 January 2024   09:32

It was stated in a statement by the Democratic Society Movement, a copy of which ANHA agency received: “The Turkish occupation state continues its attacks on the infrastructure in NE Syria, including educational and health institutions and oil sites, with the aim of eliminating the necessities of life and obstructing the development of the existing democratic system in the region.”

The statement added: "The Turkish attacks stem from denial mentality that does not recognize the rights of the region's components to life."

In its statement, the Democratic Society Movement denounced the Turkish attacks on the NE Syria and "the double standards of the UN Security Council and international institutions that remain silent about the crimes of the Turkish fascist state."

At the conclusion of its statement, the Democratic Society Movement urged the components of the region, political powers and parties, youth and women's organizations, and civil society activists to strengthen their cohesion against the genocidal attacks launched by Turkish occupation on the NE Syria.
