TEV-DEM: April 4 represents glimmer of hope for oppressed peoples

TEV-DEM confirmed that leader Ocalan represents the greatest historical gain for peoples and societies, as April 4 has become the birth of the hopes of oppressed peoples in the region and the world.

 TEV-DEM: April 4 represents glimmer of hope for oppressed peoples
3 April 2024   11:02

TEV-DEM issued a statement to public opinion on the occasion of April 4, which marks the birth of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and said: “ On April 4, we  salute and congratulate Leader Abdullah Ocalan, all our Kurdish people and humanity with this historic birth.

TEV-DEM explained that the life of leader was full of struggle and resistance where he built a revolutionary legacy in which justice and equality prevailed regarding the crucial issues of the peoples of the region and humanity alike, “Leader Ocalan has been captive for 25 years, and is going through the most difficult circumstances in Imrali Island by the Turkish fascist state."

TEV-DEM noted that leader transformed Imrali Island into a source of modern philosophy and the culture of resistance by building the philosophy of free life through the democratic nation project."

TEV-DEM confirmed that April 4th became the birth of the hopes of the oppressed peoples in the region and the world in the centenary of the modern era.

It made the point clear: “The birth of Leader Abdullah Ocalan comes in the holiest months of the year, when nature is decorated with its beauty, the leader Ocalan is known for his moral love for nature, society and the environment.”

TEV-DEM's statement demanded from all the Kurdish people: “Let us make this year a year for the physical freedom of Leader Apo, which coincides with the ongoing global solidarity campaigns for leader Abdullah Ocalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue, which has successfully completed its first stage and entered its second stages.Therefore, let us increase the pace of our struggle and resistance to ensure the freedom of leader, which is one of our most important historical duties and responsibilities, because leader Ocalan gave us hope for freedom, democracy, women’s freedom and self-knowledge.”

TEV-DEM's statement added," We must carry out our moral responsibility and rally around leader, who has been detained for several years, and we have no information about his health condition as a result of the several earthquakes that happened at recent days."

 TEV DEM call on all national movements, political forces, and human rights organizations, including civil society organizations and international organizations concerned with the affairs of detainees to join the global campaign demanding the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue.”

TEV DEM noted that: “The Turkish fascist state has been practicing the ugliest types of political and psychological torture and repeatedly refusing human rights meetings with his lawyer for more than three years, because they know very well that leader alone is capable of bringing about political and social changes on the situation in general.”
