K. Star: leader's thought, solution to all problems

Kongra Star sent a congratulatory telegram on the occasion of Leader Abdullah Ocalan's birth, which falls on April 4, and explained: “We congratulate all the women of the world and all of humanity on the birth of the leader of the nation’s democratic philosophy.”

K. Star: leader's thought, solution to all problems
3 April 2024   10:37

The Kongra Star Council sent a telegram of congratulations to the women of the world and all of humanity on the occasion of the birth of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, which falls on April 4.

The Kongra Star Council began the text of its telegram: “In the beginning, we congratulate humanity on the day of the resurrection of the Kurdish people and the peoples seeking freedom, and we hope on this occasion that the soul of Mother Awish, who had the characteristics of the gods and whose upbringing resulted in the birth of a world leader with thought and philosophy, to rest in peace, and returned the history to its correct path and liberated women from slavery, by peace."

The Council continued: “In addition, with his thought and philosophy, to bring together all peoples, so the conspiring countries proceeded to arrest him at the hands of the fascist Turkish state with a very dirty plan 25 years ago, and he is still subjected to strict isolation and lives in the most difficult conditions until now, as he is detained under conditions that contradict humanitarian principles and international laws regarding the rights of detainees, to prevent the spread of his ideas."

But despite these immoral and inhuman practices and the strict isolation imposed by the fascist state, it was not able to separate the leader from the people. On the contrary, leader Apo has today become a global leader for all nations, beliefs and peoples, and the spark for solving all the problems that the world is witnessing today. Therefore, we, in Kongra Star, as a women’s organization, with great determination and strong will, joined the campaign that was launched on October 9, 2023, in 74 centers around the world under the slogan “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue.” Social, political and cultural parties and personalities advocating freedom participated in it, because the leader is a companion of women, and the first person to liberate women from slavery and oppression throughout history. We embrace the cause of the leader with all our strength as women, through our various activities and work with sincerity and dedication in all areas and fields of resistance. We also call on all women to build their unity and solidarity to adopt the cause of the leader, as the freedom of leader Apo means the freedom of women and society.”

The Kongra Star concluded by saying: “Once again, we congratulate all the women of the world and all of humanity on the birth of the leader of the nation’s democratic philosophy, and we hope on this occasion that the soul of Mother Awish rests in peace.”
