Tahrir al-Sham mercenaries intensify their repressive campaign against protesters in Idlib

The mercenaries of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhet al-Nusra) launched an intense repressive campaign against participants in the protests against it in Idlib.

Tahrir al-Sham mercenaries intensify their repressive campaign against protesters in Idlib
15 May 2024   16:01

Local sources from Idlib, which is occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries, reported that the mercenaries of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham had deployed, since last night, hundreds of their mercenaries and four-wheel drive vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns inside the city of Idlib.

It also set up many checkpoints at the entrances and exits of the city, and conducted careful identity checks in search of participants in the protests that took place against it and its leader, “Abu Muhammad al-Julani.”

The pace of protests against the Turkish occupation and the mercenaries of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham has escalated.

On Tuesday evening, the mercenaries of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham removed a sit-in tent by force and weapons and severely beat the protesters.
