Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka

The sit-in rallies for the freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan were launched in the city of Hasaka, within the framework of the campaign “Freedom for Leader Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue.”

Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
Sit-in rally for leader Abdullah Ocalan in city of Hasaka
10 November 2023   12:45

Today, the sit-in tent event began in the city of Hasaka with the participation of hundreds of residents and members of civil institutions, organizations and women's movements, under the slogan "Freedom for Leader Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue."

The Popular Initiative for North and East Syria for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan set up the central sit-in tent near Al-Sabbagh Roundabout in the city of Hasaka, as part of a series of events organized by the initiative within the framework of the “Freedom for Leader Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue” campaign.

The activities of the sit-in tent will continue until the end of next week. .

After observing a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs, a statement was made and read by Brittan Khaled, the member of Kongra Star in the city of Al-Hasaka, and the member of the Popular Initiative in Hasaka Ammar Shamlan.

The statement stressed that the practices of the Turkish occupation state against Leader Abdullah Ocalan violate all international conventions and humanitarian laws. It called on international powers and concerned parties in the world to lift the  isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan who aims to achieve democracy and liberate oppressed peoples.

On behalf of the women’s movements and organizations,Rima Mahmoud said: “In front of the tent of resistance and struggle, we affirm the continuation of our activities demanding the freedom of our leader.

Meanwhile, the member of the General Council of the Democratic Union Party, Abdul Ghani Oso, stressed that: “The liberation of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is the key to the solution to all the world’s problems, not just the Kurdish people. Therefore, all international powers must stand in solidarity with the leader Ocalan.

A video tape was shown about the assessments and directives of Leader Abdullah Ocalan to wage struggle and resistance according to the foundations of the revolutionary war, the activities of the sit-in tent will continue until 16:00, receiving the delegations.
