Rallies slam international conspiracy in front of White House, Canada

America witnessed the continuation of activities denouncing the international conspiracy that targeted Leader Abdullah Ocalan, in its 25th anniversary, amid insistence on the firm demand of achieving the leader physical freedom.

 Rallies slam international conspiracy in front of White House, Canada
19 February 2024   13:29

The Kurdistanis and their friends condemned the international February 15 plot that targeted leader Abdullah Ocalan in 1999, in front of the White House in America and Canada.

A rally organized by the Emergency Committee for Rojava, with the participation of Kurdistanis and their friends, in which participants carried pictures of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and banners reading “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan” and chanted the slogan “Long live Leader Ocalan.”

During the rally, the Armenian National Committee of America, the Democratic Socialists of America, the member of the Kurdistan National Congress, Seyyed Reza Dersami, and many representatives sent messages through speeches and statements.

It focused in its entirety on the necessity of achieving the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan.

As for Canada, during the event denouncing the international conspiracy, banners reading “Freedom for Ocalan” and “You will not be able to block our sun” were hung on the walls of the Canadian Social Center building. The center remained closed throughout the day, and after the one-day hunger strike event in solidarity with the hunger strikers in Turkish prisons, a press statement was made.

The statement called for the release of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and all political detainees as soon as possible.
