Panorama of the week: escalating protests in As-Suwayda

As-Suwayda protests took a more serious turn last week, while the Turkish occupation state continued its policy of Turkification in the Syrian regions it occupies.

Panorama of the week: escalating protests in As-Suwayda
25 February 2024   07:59

Arab newspapers published over the past week touched on the protests in As-Suwayda, in addition to Turkification in the occupied Syrian regions.

As-Suwayda movement takes a new direction: popular committees to monitor government institutions

The beginning of the As-Suwayda protests that have been ongoing for more than 6 months, where the London-based Al-Arab newspaper believes that the movement in As-Suwayda has begun to take a new direction with the success of civil society components in framing it and diversifying its activities, which are no longer limited only to gathering in the center of the city located in southern Syria, and raising slogans. It demands a political transfer of power, and has even extended to government departments and institutions in the region, by forming popular committees to monitor it.

Activists from As-Suwayda point out that protesters stormed the General Water Corporation and imposed working conditions on its employees, indicating a shift in the nature of the movements.

Complete Turkification of the occupied Syrian territories

In another Syrian matter, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper indicated that anyone who crosses the border from Turkey towards Syria, through the crossings of the northern Aleppo countryside, will be surprised by the Turkish flag that greets him at every military checkpoint or service and administrative department, in addition to writing in the Turkish language on the signs of vital facilities. Of course, the visitor will not be mistaken for being in Syria due to the clear difference in the general landscape and infrastructure between the two sides, but the ban on Arabic signs on the Turkish side and the widespread presence of the Turkish language on the Syrian side will attract his attention.

T/ Satt.