March 8 this year, to end extermination policies, occupation, isolation- Hevidar Khalied

March 8 this year, to end extermination policies, occupation, isolation- Hevidar Khalied
5 March 2024   04:06

Today, we are witnessing International Women's Day, it is very essential to remember all woman strugglers, those who engaged in long struggle, decades ago, in order to return their political, social and economic rights from governors, demanding equality and emancipation in society, relentless work to establish the principles and values of democracy, cohesion and fraternity among the world's indigenous peoples in the face of the ideology of the capitalist system of oppression and annihilation of women. During their historical resistance, they were able to regain their deprived rights, such as Rosa Luxembourg and Clara Zetkin, who pioneered as women in many intellectually and practically struggling stations.

Clara Zetkin was an institution of the German Communist Party; Because the woman's cause immediately inhabited her, she decided that her life would not end without the culmination of that struggle; Grab recognition of women's right to equality and emancipation, so it cannot be talked about without standing on March 8th, which became International Women's Day, and is one of the achievements of the struggle of these pioneering women who have organized themselves and upheld their goals until their achievement and approval by successive regimes and Governments.

We must pay tribute to the respect, honour and appreciation of today's legendary struggle led by women around the world against capitalist modernity, which through its heroic approach, authoritarian policy and tools of slavery tries to undermine women's long struggling legacy.

In women's arduous struggle for their rights and equality, thousands of women have contributed. Every way, in the way of making progress in this area, there are women who have seen their names from history all the way to today. Because of their struggle for freedom and rights in various areas, and this feminist struggle has continued to this day despite all harassment, policies, violations, practices, procedures and attempts to exterminate their case, The feminist struggle is not as born today as it is promoted by some. It is the product of an inheritance accumulated years ago with the pleasure of the women and heroines of this land who have rejected the reactionary social norms, customs and traditions enacted by men over time.

Under the system of capitalist modernity, where the age of globalization as they now call it, Women have become among the jaws of systematic extermination pliers, as a result of the daily language against which they are used in all respects. However, the painful irony is that after a woman was the holy gods and the source of love, life and good and a lady inside and outside the house, she became a helpless maid, both inside and outside her home.

Retrospective ideas and theories, barriers and stereotypes of deterrence and disadvantage, turning around women. Everything they do in life falls under the heading of "culture of disadvantage", which has left societies living in an era when anti-women are part of the cultural structure of central and male States; All conflicts and wars have erupted against women and robberies, looting and attacks have been carried out against women, in order to subordinate the will of a society destroyed by capitalism's deadly weapon intellectually, value, economically, socially and politically.

The trade in women and their cause then began under various names, through global advertising companies, paragraphs and television programmes whose cover is entertainment and awareness, and encouraging women to keep up with fashion by developing fashion roles that are contrary to the morality of women and society, thereby grossly encroaching on women's privacy as human beings, their identity and their spirit.

To name but a few, the world's beauty competitions that existed in the 1880s in America, presented on the basis of the development of community culture, what is in fact, Only a means of serving male authority that through women's bodies seeks to earn huge financial profits and stripping women of their essence and distracting them from their struggle against male power policies, In brilliant velvet sentences and phrases that claim to be biased towards women, using popular ideals, religious interpretations or classical affiliations that distance them from their ambitions and objectives.

Male mindset enshrined and entrenched in society with misconceptions of religion and inappropriate sexual understanding of morality she has reached a level where a woman sees a prey ready for a man to exhaust her soul, restrict her mind and dislocate her forces whenever she wants. Especially after the absolute domination of the details of her life, from home to the workplace to public space, to be strangled with disabled intellectual ropes, despite the long struggles of dozens of women and women's groups that have made a comprehensive struggle in this regard, the fulfilment of the demands of all women has been taken into account.

With the expansion of the Kurdish feminist struggle in the early 1970s led by the Kurdistan Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which attached great importance to women and their cause; Because women's cause is the most named issue of existence, their struggle has spread to the Middle East, and then the world.

The struggle of Kurdish women culminated in victory in the arenas of resistance thanks to the hundreds of activists and leaders who were able to play their part and sacrifice themselves for the continuation of the historic march, which was their dream of justice, freedom and equality; The likes of martyr Sakina Jansiz, Beritan Hvey, Shilan Kobani, Zilan, Samah Yoga, Berivan, Ronahi, Zakia Alkan, Rogbin Arab, Vian Souran, Zagros, Surkhin Rojhilat, Azadi Deirk and many others.

Today, Kurdish women are leading their struggle in the world under the slogan "Women, Life, Freedom", which emerged in the popular uprising led by Kurdish women in Iran following the killing of young Kurdish woman Gina Amini by security authorities in Tehran, after bringing together the hearts of all women around the world.

The Kurdish Women's Movement has strengthened its role among all women in the region, through its ideological programmes and schemes quoted from the ideology of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and the Pradigma he prepared to rid society of ruin and destruction, to which he is subjected by the enemies of humanity represented by the rulers of power and the system of capitalist modernity that has become the rabid beast that women have always warned about during the course of their struggles.

Kurdish women's struggle, organization, will and special administration are devoted to a democratic system that includes all women and protects their rights. They are entrenched in the principle of a free life, free will and struggle for the restoration of rights and non-acquiescence to the challenges they face. Through her aspirations in the struggle for freedom, It brought together their hearts east and west under the banner of the common struggle in all arenas by organizing and establishing dozens of women's movements and organizations that played a pivotal role in the development and change of society and achieving tangible results on the ground by Freedom Party was able to acquire a new identity for women not only in Kurdistan, but throughout the Middle East.

We are celebrating International Women's Day this year under the theme "With the free will of women, we end the policies of extermination, occupation and isolation", the Kurdish women leading the global women's revolution need to escalate their struggle further. and expanding its contacts and relationships based on the principles of the democratic nation, within which participatory life, mentality and policies that attempt to exterminate women and impose severe restrictions on them, especially by Erdogan's Turkish fascism, have killed women and innocent people; In particular, this Fascism has been an obstacle to women's access to their rights and freedoms.

The path to women's liberation is still a long one that requires a lot of struggle to free itself from the jaws of the policies of fascist regimes. So, struggle should have a revolutionary perspective rather than the same struggle for rights, resilience in a world that seeks to exploit each cell of its own body, and its response is stronger than any exploitation by men's patriarchal authority, It goes by reading in depth the history of women's struggle carefully to realize their goals and follow in their footsteps until they reach their desires.

As is known, March 8th has, over the past years, strengthened the unity of women around the world through the ideology of women who expanded their struggles with immense sacrifices, which infuriated the enemies of humanity, represented by the Turkish regime and its likenesses from other chauvinist regimes, which today are confused and paralysed by reality. "Women, life, freedom", seeking to achieve and build a free political and moral society.

T/ Satt.