K.Star: KJK represents women's ideology her will, identity

The Kongra Star Council issued a statement on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Women’s Organization (KJK) and said: “The Kurdistan Women’s Organization is the result of the efforts of Leader APO over more than 40 years.”

K.Star: KJK represents women's ideology her will, identity
17 April 2024   17:46

The Kongra Star Council issued a written statement on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Women’s Organization (KJK), which read:

We congratulate Leader APO and all the women, especially those who struggle around the world under the slogan ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’, who fight on the mountains, and who are steadfast in prisons.

The Kurdistan Women’s  Union is the result of the leader’s efforts over more than 40 years. It represents the opinion and free will of women, their identity, and the leadership of the democratic confederation. We have become owners of free will with this experience or the historical experience of the confederal system, and we have been able to resist before the system of male domination, and we have organized ourselves today according to this. the level.

Thanks to this organization, Kurdish women today lead the women of the world, following in the footsteps of Berivan, Zilan, Arin, Sarah and Yusra, where they built their army and began to lead the philosophy of the democratic nation, and under the leadership of the philosophy of free women that organized with the Kurdistan Women’s Union, women have an active role in life and have their own opinion. And her own decision, the result of thousands of women heading to the mountains and their struggle for their freedom is thriving today in prisons and cities, and they are resisting against the system of male hegemony and the state, with this system, faith and thought, and if we can lead this system today with confidence, then this is the result of continuous efforts, expertise and experiences for more than 40 years.

 The freedom of society depends on the freedom of women

This struggle is based on the approach of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who says, “The freedom of society depends on the freedom of women,” which must be achieved first during the Kurdish women revolution have built the historical and philosophical foundation for the struggle for freedom according to this perspective, and we, in turn, will continue to follow the philosophy of Leader Apo, who says : “An enslaved woman cannot fight the revolution” to the end.

The 21st century will be the century of women.”

We believe that this century will be the century of women with this confederal system that developed Kurdish women intellectually, militarily, politically and socially and strengthened their confidence and natural strength, and that free life will be achieved on this land of the gods again, and to achieve this, we will gather in Kongra Star around the architect of women’s freedom, Leader APO more we will be able to liberate ourselves from the system of male domination that has been going on for more than 5,000 years, and adopt our system until the end. On this basis, we congratulate Leader APO and all the women of the world, especially the fighters and fighters for freedom, on the anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Women’s Union.”

T/ Satt.