KNK decries collaboration of KDP with Turkish State

The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress recalled the civilians who were martyred as a result of the Turkish occupation state’s aircraft attacks, and called on the Kurdish people to defend their values and dignity.

KNK decries collaboration of KDP with Turkish State
11 March 2024   17:33

The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress issued a written statement regarding the attacks carried out by Turkish occupation aircraft on March 8, on the village of Babula, which led to the martyrdom of civilians Saeed Mubarak and Aras Faraj, in which it condemned the cooperation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party with the Turkish state.

The statement stated:

“The occupying Turkish state deliberately carries out its attacks with warplanes against civilians in Southern Kurdistan and commits massacres. In return, the Regional Government "KRG" remains silent. The Turkish state seeks to empty the region of civilians. On February 21, 2024, they attacked civilians in the Bahdinan region, which led to the martyrdom of both Bashir and Omar Ali and Arif Taha from the village of Kafya in the Dinart region. For the same goal, Turkish state warplanes again attacked the city of Çeladiz on March 8, 2024, resulting in the martyrdom of two civilians, Saeed Mubarak and Aras Faraj, and Saeed Mubarak’s son, Saleh Mubarak, was also injured. The Iraqi Government, the Regional Government, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, through their silence, are partners in the martyrdom of the people of Southern Kurdistan.”

The statement denounced the silence of the Başûr Kurdistan Regional Government, and also extended its condolences to the families of the martyrs and wished recovery for the injured.

The statement also called on the Başûr Kurdistan Regional Government and the Democratic Party to end their dependence on the Turkish state and not to be partners in the "occupation massacres."

At the end of its statement, the Kurdistan National Congress appealed to the Kurdish people to take a decisive stance against the Turkish occupation attacks and defend their values and dignity.

T/ Satt.