KCK congratulates Yazidi community on Red Wednesday occasion

Peoples and Beliefs Committee of the KCK congratulated the Yazidi community on the occasion of Red Wednesday.

KCK congratulates Yazidi community on Red Wednesday occasion
16 April 2024   15:31

Peoples and Beliefs Committee in the KCK  sent a congratulatory telegram to the Yazidi community on the occasion of Red Wednesday, that reads:

“We are approaching the anniversary of the annual Çarşema Sor festival celebrated by the Êzidî (Yazidi) society. We would like to take this opportunity to pay homage to the ancient Êzidî people, who have been fighting for their own freedom and existence since the last genocide (Ferman) inflicted upon them. We hope that the people of Shengal (Sinjar) will develop even more motivation through these festivities, to work toward the establishment of a democratic nation and democratic self-government. We also extend our congratulations to the Kurds who have continued the tradition to celebrate the first Wednesday of April, and we hope that these celebrations may act as encouragement for more initiatives to advance freedom, equality, and harmony between all peoples.

The Turkish state, which is engaged in genocide and colonialism along with its allies in the KDP, continue to persecute the Êzidî people, who are pushing ahead towards freedom by embracing their cultural values, language, and beliefs. Given that the Turkish state’s attacks are motivated by intolerance for the freedom of our Êzidî people, conducting a more impactful struggle, strengthening autonomy, and intensifying efforts to establish a free and democratic society are among our most fundamental duties. These obligations are made more pressing by the impending threat of another genocide. The most crucial tasks which our Êzidî society must fulfill against these assaults is for our people to fortify their system of self-defense, strengthen their organizations for women and youth, and concentrate on the work of autonomy.

The Turkish state, with its genocidal mindset and policies, is waging a full-scale assault against the peoples of the region. It is clear that the Turkish government and its allies—the KDP and neighboring states – are the enemies of the Shengali people. They are the perpetrators of genocide. In the face of this, the Êzidî and Kurdish people have adopted an attitude which has offered them new life. With strong willpower, our Êzidî people repel the enemy’s assault and demonstrate that our community is resilient, committed to preserving and advancing their cultural traditions. In this sense, the Çarşema Sor celebration carries more meaning than ever, as it also represents the growing spirit of resistance for existence and freedom.

With their awareness, will and struggle, the Êzidî people are very close to achieving their right to democratic autonomy. They are struggling with great determination and faith to build their future on their ancient lands. They are in an effort and determined struggle to establish a system that will guarantee a free future. This struggle is carried out with great determination in Shengal, and gives hope to Êzidîs all over the world. With the resistance in Shengal, the Êzidi people have made clear that they refuse to surrender to the attacks. They are reuniting with their roots again, and confronting their opponents stronger than ever before. Êzidî’s are closer to achieving their tenet of ‘Heqwar’1. With the return to their roots, the return to their faith and their identity as a society, Çarşema Sor and the month of April has gained great importance for our people. This spirit raises the determination and morale of the entire Kurdish people.

As the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, we have been fighting for the right of the peoples and beliefs residing in Kurdistan and the surrounding area to coexist in freedom and as a democratic nation for more than 50 years. Many valuable daughters and sons of our Êzidî people also participated in this noble and meaningful effort, aware that they would pay heavy prices in the process. Our Êzidî people approached this struggle with a strong sense of faith, a clear consciousness, and a deeply felt resolve. As the Kurdish Freedom Movement, we now declare once more that, in accordance with Rêber Apo’s2concept, we will continue to support and stand in solidarity with the Êzidî people’s and the peoples of the region. We assume this a duty assigned to us by our martyred comrades. As the PKK, we will fight to defend our national beliefs and identity while working toward the freedom of Kurdistan and all of its peoples.

On the occasion of Çarşema Sor, we would like to emphasize the need for stronger unity among our Êzidî people. We believe that especially the elders will fulfill their duties in further strengthening unity, in the struggle against the genocidal attacks and dirty special warfare. Again, we would like to congratulate them on their festivities. 

We commemorate with respect, love and gratitude the brave fighters and commanders who lost their lives while fighting for the freedom, autonomy and status of the Êzidî community. Especially martyrs Hacer, Binevş, Xanê, Berîvan, Mam Zekî, Mam Beşîr, Seîd Hesen, Dijwar (Marwan Feqîr), Zerdeşt Şengalî; the pioneers of the Êzidî people, who enabled us to celebrate today with great enthusiasm. Once again, we reiterate our promise to successfully continue their struggle for the freedom of the peoples for which countless people gave their lives.”
