Isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan is a heinous crime

The isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan is a heinous crime, as affirmed by the residents of the city of al-Shadadi. They emphasized that the isolation, lasting for over 25 years, lacks all human qualities. The peoples of North and East Syria, in their entire spectrum, condemn and denounce this isolation.

Isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan is a heinous crime
24 June 2024   03:31

The residents of al-Shadadi in the Jazira canton in North and East Syria emphasized the necessity of intensifying efforts to end the isolation of leader Abdullah Ocalan and secure his physical freedom.

The citizen Mohammed al-Khalif stated, the actions of the Turkish occupation authorities against the leader Abdullah Ocalan are unacceptable. We, as the peoples of North and East Syria, in all our diversity, condemn this isolation of the internationalist leader.

Al-Khalif further mentioned, we, the people of North and East Syria, urge the Security Council and human rights organizations to end the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan.

The citizen, Jassim al-Khadair, pointed out that the leader's isolation for over 25 years is a grave violation devoid of any humane qualities, criticizing the lack of response from humanitarian and human rights organizations during this time.

Citizen Fahad al-Khadair highlighted the transformative nature of leader Abdullah Ocalan's ideology, freeing people from oppression and tyranny. He asserted that the people of North and East Syria stand united in our resistance against Turkish fascism.

Despite efforts by the lawyers of al-Asr Law Office to arrange meetings with Abdullah Ocalan, submitting requests to the Public Prosecutor's Office in the Turkish city of Bursa and Imral Prison Directorate on a weekly basis, and his family submitting requests as well, no meeting has been allowed. The last meeting occurred on August 7, 2019, while his last contact with the outside world was a brief phone call on March 25, 2021.

T/ Satt.