ISIS executes 8 of Damascus forces

ISIS mercenary cells put to death 8 members of the Damascus forces after losing contact with them since last March 26, while they were heading from Sukhna to Deir ez-Zor.

ISIS executes 8 of Damascus forces
31 March 2024   14:30

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that ISIS mercenary cells executed 8 members of the “11th Division” of the Damascus government forces, including an officer with the rank of “Captain,” after losing contact with them on March 26 in the Kabajib area,while they were heading from Sukhna to Deir ez-Zor.

ISIS mercenaries had executed 6 members of the “Fourth Division,” including a “lieutenant officer,” after capturing them on the Palmyra-Sukhna road in the Homs countryside, on March 27, after they fell into an ISIS ambush, where the bodies of the members were found at different times and locations within the same area.

Despite the remarkable escalation of attacks by ISIS mercenary cells, the Damascus government did not reveal or explain the fate of its members, and this caused the large spread and escalation of ISIS cells in the areas of the Syrian desert.

The death toll during military operations within the Syrian desert, according to Observatory documentation, has reached 273 dead since the beginning of 2024:

37 citizens, including a child, were killed in ISIS attacks in the desert.

204 members of the Damascus government forces and groups loyal to it were killed in 100 ISIS attacks in various areas of the desert, carried out through ambushes, armed attacks, and bombings west of the Euphrates and the desert of Deir ez-Zor, Raqqa, and Homs.

24 ISIS mercenaries killed by Damascus government forces.

The attacks were distributed as follows:

35 attacks in the Deir ez-Zor desert, 46 attacks in the Homs desert, 11 attacks in the Raqqa desert, 6 attacks in the Hama desert, 2 attacks in the Aleppo desert.
