HPG unveils killing 18 occupiers

The Media Center of the People Defense Forces announced the killing of 18 occupation soldiers during the revolutionary operation carried out by the Guerrilla in Matina, and their forces also headed to the location of 12 of the occupiers' bodies.

HPG unveils killing 18 occupiers
27 November 2023   21:09

Attacks carried out by the Turkish occupation army:

*On November 24, 25, and 26, the areas of Buland Bazi village, Beybadeh village, and Miran village in the Hakkari region were bombed 4 times, the Shilazi village area once, the Bahar Hill resistance square in the Martyr Dalil district west of Zap twice, the Lulan River area, and the Kochini area in Khakurk. Twice, that is, in total; These areas were bombed by warplanes 9 times.

The areas of Martyr Dalil, West Zap, Matina and Khakurk were subjected to artillery shelling.